There are many wonderful paintings by Charles Knight, one in particular has a Apatosaurus in the fore-ground, with its head and neck rising out of the swampy water. It looks big and clumsy. In the back ground, grazing on the shore of this prehistoric swamp, there is a Diplodocus, painted in a boring grey color.
Type: Oldies
Review: Megatherium (Marolin / VEB Plaho)
Review: Tyrannosaurus (World’s Fair Mold-A-Rama model by Sinclair)
4.4 (14 votes)
By forumite Foxilized (edited by Horridus)
Historical background
The oil company Sinclair (USA) was, since its very beginnings in the new born 20th century, closely related to dinosaur imagery. They chose a “Brontosaurus” –yes, not the deceptive one but the thunder lizard instead- as the main logo to sell their oil.
Review: Brontosaurus (Marolin / VEB Plaho)
3.7 (6 votes)
A firm from the German Democratic Republic, VEB (Volkseigener Betrieb) Plaho, released a series of highly collectable dinosaur figures in 1967. They were sold in the Museum of Sena in Thuringia, Germany until the mid-1980s. The follower firm to Plaho, Marolin, re-released them in 1990.
Review: Tanystropheus (Starlux)
4.2 (9 votes)
Somehow, not a single Starlux figure has ever been reviewed on the Dinosaur Toy Blog! I don’t know how we omitted such an influential line all this time but it’s time to finally change that. The delightful line of prehistoric animals produced by French company Starlux, mainly during the 1960s and 70s, is highly collectible today.