All Brontosaurus Reviews

Review: Brontosaurus (MPC)

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2.8 (14 votes)

This classic little sauropod is best viewed today as a relic, a curious piece of memorabilia nestled between more interesting figures which came before and after it.

If you were to ask a veteran toy collector about vintage dinosaurs, you’d probably hear Marx cited first.

Review: Brontosaurus (Sinclair Dinoland)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: , ,

4 (7 votes)

Sinclair’s Brontosaurus and its plastic compatriots are time capsules to a moment of zeitgeist in paleo pop-culture, and stand as charming testaments to the evolving nature of paleontology and memorabilia.

Brontosaurus is one of the quintessential icons of dinosaur pop-culture imagery.

Review: Dinosaur Bath Buddies (Little Hero)

2.4 (16 votes)

As a young child, I loved splashing around in the tub with my toys. Who didn’t? Most of my bath toys were sharks and whales and other aquatic creatures, but occasionally a plesiosaur would find its way into the mix. My older son, however, enjoys taking his bath with the Classic Big Four: Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and Tyrannosaurus rex.

Review: Dinosaurs (Tim Mee Toys by J. Lloyd International Inc.)

4.2 (33 votes)

Back in 2012 a representative from the toy vendor VictoryBuy joined the Dinosaur Toy forum looking for member feedback with regards to reissuing the Tim Mee set of toy dinosaurs, originally produced in the 1970’s. Flashforward to 2014 and VictoryBuy once again stopped by the forum, this time to announce the actual release of the set.

Review: Dinosaurs I (Authentics Habitat Collection by Safari ltd.)

2.8 (15 votes)

These six little dinos, sculpted by the Carnegie Collection’s own Forest Rogers, may look pretty dated today; but they manage to blend old and new aspects of science to produce a charming set as a whole.

Safari ltd. stands as one of the giants of educational, scientifically accurate dinosaur & animal toys today; but it’s easy to forget the company didn’t start out this way.

Review: Prehistoric Animals (Panini, review part 1)

panini prehistoric animals playset

3.4 (9 votes)
Sticker albums are a staple of many a childhood and they were certainly a part of mine. However, unlike my school  contemporaries in the early 1990s, I didn’t deal with stickers of footballers or garbage pail kids, all my swapsies were dinosaur stickers of course!

Review: Set of Dinosaurs by Linde

4.6 (8 votes)

Right to begin with, yes, three figures by Linde are already thoroughly represented on this blog, the Tyrannosaurus, Sphenacodon and Dimetrodon. But for the sake of completeness I include those three in this review aswell.

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