Age: Pliocene

Review: Prehistoric Plants (Safari Ltd)

4.9 (10 votes)
Review and photographs by Lanthanotus, edited by Suspsy
Plants and trees may not be a collector’s first choice of models to collect, and not only because there’s so few around. In general, humans feel more attracted to animals than towards plants despite the fact that we could still live well without keeping or even breeding (and feeding on) animals, but not without plants.

Review: Sivatherium (Bestiari)

5 (9 votes)

Review and photos by Bokisaurus

Today, we will review a special figure. I originally intended this as my first 2019 review but got delayed. I wanted to review something a little different than your mass produced toy figures, this was the perfect candidate.

As a kid, my fondest memories of going to the zoo was seeing the giraffes.

Review: Sivatherium (Prehistoric Creatures by Shapeways)

4 (2 votes)
Photographs and review by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a review, but now that I have a brief break from things, I have time to write a new one. And I’ll start with 3D printing. I adore 3D printing; the idea that you can design nearly anything and create a physical model for it is astounding, and has great prospects for recreating prehistoric life.

Review: Straight-Tusked Elephant (Eofauna)

4.9 (26 votes)
Eofauna once again brings their A-game for this release, with astonishingly rich and lifelike details to a stellar prehistoric elephant model.
I must admit, as a kid, I usually overlooked mammals in favor of dinosaurs, reptiles, etc., but even though my preferences still lie with the scaly (and sometimes feathery) folk, I’d be remiss to ignore the impressive fossil record of the mammals, who have their own fair share of oddities, wonders, and sheer giants.

Review: Thylacoleo (Southlands Replicas)

4.9 (9 votes)
Australia was home to many amazing beasts during the Pleistocene epoch. There were echidnas the size of sheep, lizards the size of crocodiles, wombats the size of hippos, giant flightless birds, and short-faced kangaroos that stood up to three metres tall. The thylacine was alive and flourishing.

Review: Thylacosmilus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

3.7 (7 votes)

Animals can adapt to their environment in many different ways, resulting in many interesting species. but the more interesting case is when two distinctly different species, not even closely related, evolve similar or the same adaptation, known as convergent evolution. Such is the example whit this review: Thylacosmilus, which may look like a sabre toothed cat, but is in fact a sprassodont, a marsupial from South America.

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Review: Titanochelon bolivari (1:20 Miocene Collection by Signatustudio)

4.9 (9 votes)

Review and images by bmathison1972; edited by Suspsy

Signatustudio is a line of animal replicas made by artist J. Miguel Aparicio out of Spain. Most of his models are in the 1:20 scale and represent the fauna of Eurasia, including the Iberian Peninsula, the Mediterranean, Tibetan Plateau, and Euro-Siberian regions.

Review: Williamsonia (CollectA)

5 (15 votes)
Thought I’d take a stab at reviewing a prehistoric plant for the first time. Let’s take a look at Williamsonia, a member of the order of Bennettitales, or cycadeoids. Bennettitales were an order of seed plants that first arose during the Triassic and then flourished all the way until the end of the Cretaceous.
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