Age: Pliocene

Review: Ginkgo (Deluxe by CollectA)

4.9 (9 votes)
What’s a nice prehistoric animal figure without the appropriate background? Right, so let’s have a look at another plant offering by CollectA…  
While being a recent species, Ginkgo biloba already existed long before any human had the brilliant idea to develop writing or another kind of reliable method to record dates or stories for generations to come and so setting the foundation for our modern understanding of history and therefore the time before.

Review: Gomphotherium (CollectA)

4.9 (16 votes)
Review and photos by Bokisaurus, edited by Suspsy
The family Proboscidea has a long and very diverse history. The group is perhaps most famous for their trunks and tusks, with some growing to astounding shapes and sizes. Today, only one family from this once mighty group remains: Elephantidae, consisting of only three species.

Review: Hipparion (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

3.6 (7 votes)

Ancient horses really don’t get much love in the toy market. Aside from Starlux and Bullyland, no one has added to the herd of prehistoric equinids. That is until Geoworld brought out their rendition of Hipparion, one of the most successful horses ever, lasting 22 million years and covering almost every continent, before dying off in the Mid-Pleistocene, possibly being out competed by the modern horse.

Review: Macrauchenia (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

4 (6 votes)

The isolation of South America during much of the Cenozoic era resulted in the evolution of many odd and unique creatures, like the Liptotern Macrauchenia. This odd ungulate has fascinated many since it’s discovery by Charles Darwin, and has been the subject of many art peices and toys.

Review: Macrauchenia (MPC)

4 (53 votes)

“If MPC Ran the Zoo”…

Macrauchenia looked like it could have inspired some of the creatures in a Dr. Seuss book, if its history of paleoart is anything to go by. First described in 1838, the “long-necked llama” hasn’t achieved the same level of fame as some of its mammalian contemporaries from the Miocene and Pleistocene; however, its lanky legs, long neck, and peculiar trunk make for a very distinct image, and have earned the genus at least a few toys over the decades.

Review: Macrauchenia (Prehistoric Mammal Series by Schleich)

4.9 (10 votes)
The peculiar looking ungulate Macrauchenia (“large neck”) inhabited South America for roughly 7 million years, from the Miocene to the Late Pleistocene, only becoming extinct around 20,000 years ago. This herbivorous animal resembled a camelid superficially, when in reality it was a member of an extinct order called Litopterna.
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Review: Macrauchenia (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.8 (19 votes)
Review and photos by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
Island isolation can have some amazing results in terms of evolution. Insular dwarfism for some organisms, gigantism for others, or simply some of the oddest creatures that can be conceived. Today’s review subject is an example of the latter, Macrauchenia, a liptotern from South America, which was an island continent during most of the Cenozoic era.

Review: Marsupial Tapir/ Palorchestes (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

4 (4 votes)

Interpreting fossils is never an easy task. Unless the animal was complete when found, or very well preserved, it can be hard to tell what an animal looked like. Prehistoric animals can be revised over and over as new information comes in about them. One animal that has been altered several times is Palorchestes, which was thought to be a kangaroo relative, then more tapir based as a result of the rostrum, and more recently, similar to a giant ground sloth.

Review: Medusa (Bullyland)

4.9 (8 votes)
Summer melts us here since weeks, so time for another wet review….

Today I want you to introduce you to one of those creatures everybody knows, but knows almost nothing about, a jellyfish. Jellyfish are a very very old group of animals, they date back to the famous Ediacarian, more than 600 mya.

Review: Megalodon ( PNSO Scientific Arts)

3.7 (17 votes)

Review and photos by Bokisaurus

When it comes to suffering from identity crisis, no other extinct species exhibits this more than the mighty Megalodon (Carcharocles megalodon), which is ironic given how popular it is.This identity crisis is of course due to the fact that very little fossil material is available to help create an accurately restoration of it and that the majority of the restorations, from paleo art to movies, are all based on the extant Great White shark, a species that many believed for years it resembles. 

Despite this crisis, Megalodon is the most famous of the extinct sharks, and possibly only surpassed in popularity by the extant Great White that still roam todays oceans.

Review: Megalodon (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)

3.5 (24 votes)

This is no mere great white copy; Patton the Megalodon is a grade-A movie monster, a hulking brute with commanding shelf presence.

Let’s face it: people love apex predators. We’re scared of them, sure, but we also admire them and get excited by them. Sharks are one group of predators we humans seem particularly drawn to, and their fossil record shows a long history which eclipses the age of dinosaurs by a mile.

Review: Megalodon (Deluxe by CollectA)

4.5 (26 votes)

Anne Bonny is on the chase. She had been following the distant scent of a whale pod when a strange new scent and a distinct sound of splashing caused her to veer hard to starboard in the direction of the islands along the coastline. As she approaches closer, her many senses quickly inform her that a large beast is swimming slowly and clumsily at the surface.

Review: Megalodon (Soft Model by Favorite Co. Ltd.)

3.7 (6 votes)

Review and photos by Zim, edited by Suspsy

Otodus megalodon is probably one of the most well-recognized prehistoric animals of all time due to our fascination of giant versions of animals, in this case, sharks. Though it is frequently depicted as an oversized great white shark due to the resemblance between their teeth, many experts now agree that this is due to convergent evolution rather than a close relation.

Review: Megalodon (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

2.2 (16 votes)
MEGALODON! The undisputed monarch of all sharks. Possibly the largest and most powerful flesh-eating animal to ever inhabit Earth’s seas. Star of cheesy novels, cheesier made-for-TV movies, and even cheesier pseudo-documentaries. And surprisingly enough, underrepresented in the world of prehistoric toys. For a long time, the proper scientific name for this animal was Carcharodon megalodon, however, it has recently been reclassified as Carcharocles megalodon.

Review: Megatherium (Bullyland)

4.6 (7 votes)
With all that new JP, sorry, JW stuff around, let’s not forget that there’s plenty of retired figures not being reviewed yet. One of these is Bullyland’s Megatherium, released in 1998 and discontinued some years back. Despite representing a quite rare animal in the toy world, it probably wasn’t sold in big numbers, at least when one compares the chances spotting this on ebay or fleamarket sites with some other Bullyland figures as Stegosaurus or Tyrannosaurus.
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