Here’s an interesting rendition of what is probably the world’s most famous sauropod (judging from Brachiosaurus’ appearances in the JP franchise and the number of toys it boasts to its name on the blog) that I came across at Mastermind Toys here in Ontario.
Author: Suspsy
All reviews by this author
Review: Sauropelta (Jurassic World: Fierce Force by Mattel)
Alas, nodosaurids will probably never be as famous and popular as their cousins the ankylosaurids, undoubtedly due to their narrower, less intimidating heads and their lack of bone-breaking tail clubs. Still, almost all of the major dinosaur toy companies have produced at least one nodosaurid over the years, and these have generally ranged from being pretty good to truly magnificent.
Review: Alioramus (Jurassic World: Wild Pack by Mattel)
Review: Rajasaurus (Jurassic World: Roar Strikers by Mattel)
Rajasaurus, whose name means “princely lizard,” belonged to Majungasaurinae, a subgroup of abelisaurs that ranged from Europe to South Asia during the Late Cretaceous period. Its remains were discovered in the Lameta Formation of Western India, which has been dated to the Maastrichian age (72.1 to 66 million years ago).
Review: Baryonyx (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)
It’s been a long and frustrating morning for Burton. It began with him failing to catch a pterosaur sitting on its nest. Next he snagged a large shark only for it to bite him painfully on the snout and escape. After that, he managed to come across a fresh nodosaur carcass, but was then chased away by an allosaur pack—and received another bite on his tail to boot!
Review: Megalosaurus (2021)(CollectA)
No one knows when precisely humans first discovered the fossilized remains of dinosaurs. Indigenous North Americans probably came across them in places now called Alberta or South Dakota or Utah. In China, “dragon bones” were recorded as being discovered all the way back during the Western Jin Dynasty between 265 and 316 AD.
Review: Konobelodon (Eofauna)
Review: Utahceratops (Beasts of the Mesozoic by Creative Beast Studio)
Review: Zhuchengtyrannus (PNSO)
Approximately 73 million years ago, Shendong Province of China was a land of rich floodplains that abounded in dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes. These included the ankylosaur Sinankylosaurus, the titanosaur Zhuchengtitan, the diminutive leptoceratopsids Ischiceratops and Zhuchengceratops, and the larger ceratopsid Sinoceratops with its royal frill.
Review: Ectenosaurus (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)
There are presently around 40 known genera of mosasaur, ranging from relatively small fry like Halisaurus and Kourisodon to frightening behemoths like Gnathomortis and Prognathodon. There were also some truly unique ones like Globidens, with its rounded teeth for pulverising ammonites, and Plotosaurus, the most advanced swimmer of them all.
Review: Pteranodon sternbergi (CollectA)
Review: Edmontosaurus (Deluxe by CollectA)
The two valid species of the North American hadrosaur Edmontosaurus, E. annectens and E. regalis, are known from multiple fossil specimens. Taken together, they make the genus “fully known.” But while a complete skeleton can give us a reasonable idea about an animal’s appearance in life, it is not necessarily a full or accurate one.