Brand: CollectA

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (2009)(CollectA/Procon)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

1.2 (23 votes)

Review and photographs by ‘Prehistory Resurrection,’ edited by Suspsy

Hello, this is ‘Prehistory Resurrection’, formerly known as ‘Resurrection of the dinosaurs.’ The figure that I will review today is CollectA’s 2009 brown Tyrannosaurus rex figure from its old Procon line. At first, I thought that it was just a repainted version of the original 2006 version, but when I compared it with the images, I saw some differences in their sculpts which I will describe in full.

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Deluxe version, Procon/CollectA)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.9 (23 votes)
Review and photograph by ‘Tyrannax’. Edited by Plesiosauria.
What a great improvement! So far, we’ve seen countless common and unheard of dinosaur names released by Procon (Now called CollectA), but due to the large amount of toys sold each year from this company, some will claim this affected the sculpt quality.

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Feathered Deluxe by CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.6 (45 votes)
Having gorged himself on flesh and liver of hadrosaur, the sovereign rises to his full height. He raises his fiery red crest, opens his blood-streaked jaws, and bellows a warning to the landscape. He then retreats to a shady grove a short distance away. As he settles down to rest, his dark eyes remain fixed on his half-eaten kill.

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Hunting) (Collecta)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:
Collecta Hunting Tyrannosaurus

4.6 (45 votes)
Hot on the heels of last year’s ‘Deluxe’ feathered Tyrannosaurus, Collecta have seen fit to update their smaller scale range with a similarly enfluffened tyrant. And its corpse. Happily – alive or dead – the miniature feathered T. rex has just much charm as its larger, leggier cousin.

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Juvenile by CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4.9 (54 votes)
Weaving nimbly through the trees, the princess pursues her furry prey. With a final burst of speed, she pounces on the small mammal and crushes its squirming body with her razor-sharp teeth. As she trots back to her nest and her parents, her prey gripped tightly in her jaws, this former fledgling is unaware that she has taken a crucial step toward becoming the undisputed ruler of her world.

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex with prey – Struthiomimus (CollectA)

3.8 (25 votes)
Following their excellent Therizinosaurus, Deinocheirus and Triceratops carcass, 2012 was really starting to look like CollectA’s year – a number of superb models and a distinct lack of genuine stinkers. Sadly, this model looks set to break that good run, and even more unfortunate is that it’s yet another dodgy T.

News: Upcoming release from CollectA (New for 2024)

News Category: Brand:
Dearc pterosaur toy new from CollectA side view, perched on a rock against a blue sky backdrop.

4.5 (32 votes)

CollectA’s first 2024 reveal is their 1:3 scale take on Dearc (pronounced “jark”), a Middle Jurassic rhamphorhynchine discovered in Scotland. Named and described in 2022, it had an estimated wingspan of up to three metres and was the largest flying creature of its time.

The head appears to have been inspired by the northern gannet.

News: Upcoming releases from CollectA (New for 2012)

News Category: Brand:

4.6 (5 votes)
Ah CollectA, what did we ever do without you?  CollectA have pushed out the boat once more with another bona fide bonanza of new figures for us in 2012. Their massive line up of 21 new sculpts will add considerable taxonomic diversity to their ranks, but more than that, CollectA has raised its game with a clear increase in quality to match quantity.

News: Upcoming releases from CollectA (New for 2014)

News Category: Brand:

5 (6 votes)
So, CollectA have done it yet again! They’ve announced more 2014 figures than you can shake a cycad leaf at. So, as has become dinotoyblog tradition, let’s summarise the news here for posterity. The 12 new prehistoric critter models being released by CollectA this year, are, in alphabetical order:




Ichthyovenator with fish


Quetzalcoatlus with baby sauropod


Stegosaurus corpse


Tyrannosaurus juvenile


Some of these look smashing, but I’ll reserve commenting on these figures until they are released and reviewed properly on the dinotoyblog.

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