Greetings DinoWaurriors! When it comes to dinosaur figures that every company produces, the big three are Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops and Stegosaurus. With it’s spiked tail and plates, naturally DinoWaurs jumped on the bandwagon of immortalising this species in plastic.
Brand: DinoWaurs
Review: Suchomimus (DinoWaurs Survival)
Review: Talarurus (DinoWaurs Survival)
Review: Triceratops (DinoWaurs Survival)
Review: Utahraptor (DinoWaurs Survival)
3.6 (9 votes)
Once more, I delve into the DinoWaurs Survival line to investigate a member of what most would see as an obvious group for this series: Raptors! However, there is only one member of this family actually featured in this line, and not the more famed members like Deinonychus or Velociraptor.