Brand: Prehistoric Life
Review: Andrewsarchus (Prehistoric Life Collection by Safari Ltd)

3.7 (18 votes)
Andrewsarchus was a large basal mesonychid which existed roughly 45 million years ago during the Eocene epoch. It is known only from a large skull measuring more than three feet long and a few bone fragments, so most reconstructions of the animal’s postcranial anatomy are based on its smaller and more well known mesonychid relative Mesonyx.
Review: Arsinoitherium (Prehistoric Life Collection by Safari Ltd)
Review: Doedicurus (Prehistoric Life Collection by Safari Ltd)
Review: Megatherium (Prehistoric Life Collection by Safari Ltd.)

4.8 (13 votes)
Back in the mid-2000’s Safari Ltd. released a series of mammals for what they dubbed the “Prehistoric Life Collection.” The series included popular animals like Smilodon and the woolly mammoth but also included some more obscure creatures like the Andrewsarchus, Arsinoitherium, Ambelodon, Doedicurus, and the giant sloth.
Review: Smilodon (Prehistoric Life Collection by Safari Ltd)

4.4 (12 votes)
Review and photographs by Quentin Brendel (aka Pachyrhinosaurus), edited by Suspsy
Smilodon, the notorious sabre-toothed cat, has been included in dinosaur toy sets for decades. It’s often depicted in the likeness of a modern tiger, probably in part due to its common name being “sabre-toothed tiger.” On the contrary, this cat wasn’t closely related to tigers, belonging to a now-extinct subfamily of felidae: Machairodontinae.
Smilodon, the notorious sabre-toothed cat, has been included in dinosaur toy sets for decades. It’s often depicted in the likeness of a modern tiger, probably in part due to its common name being “sabre-toothed tiger.” On the contrary, this cat wasn’t closely related to tigers, belonging to a now-extinct subfamily of felidae: Machairodontinae.
News: Upcoming releases from Safari Ltd (New for 2016)

4 (4 votes)
Despite the sad retirement of their long-respected and trend-setting Carnegie Collection this year, Safari Ltd have shown no signs of slowing down with their other major prehistoric animal line – Wild Safari. The company has five brand new for 2016 prehistoric animal sculpts in the pipeline: four dinosaurs and one marine reptile.
Review: Woolly Mammoth (Prehistoric life collection by Safari Ltd)

4.6 (11 votes)
Many years ago when I was a small child, I thought all of the ancient mammoths where the Woolly Mammoth. I later learned that it was a diverse branch with many different members. The first mammoth bones I had ever seen in person were at the Mammoth Site in South Dakota, where a majority of the mammoth remains are of the Columbian variety, but there are also a few remains of the Woolly Mammoth as well.