Brand: Safari Ltd
Review: Einiosaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)
Review: Elasmosaurus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd.)
Review: Elasmosaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd)
Review: Estemmenosuchus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)
My introduction to Estemmenosuchus came from the 1994 episode of Paleo-World titled “Tail of a Sail”, which was about Dimetrodon and other synapsids, their evolution, and how they relate to mammals. Estemmenosuchus was only featured briefly via images of its skull and a couple pieces of paleoart but that was enough for me to become enamored with this animal and to help broaden my appreciation for prehistoric life beyond the Mesozoic.
Review: Euoplocephalus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd.)
Review: Evolution of Man (Safariology by Safari Ltd)
Review: Feathered Dinos Tube (Safari Ltd)
Review: Gastornis (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)
Review: Giganotosaurus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd)
Review: Giganotosaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)
Young and old gather around and see the new king in town. I present the highly anticipated 2017 Safari Ltd. Giganotosaurus. Why do I call it the new king? Sure it doesn’t have the name rex in its name, and its not because it was one of the largest known carnivores the world has seen, in which some estimates have it bigger than the almighty Tyrannosaurus Rex.