Brand: Vitae

Review: Giganotosaurus (Vitae)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4.3 (12 votes)
Pictures and review by apatosaurus3232, edited by Suspsy
Hello, everyone. This is my first review on the Dinosaur Toy Blog. Today I’ll be discussing something that has been quite the talk on the forum. The Vitae Giganotosaurus carolinii standard edition. Vitae is a new Chinese company with lots of models in the works.

Review: Jinyunpelta (Vitae)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

4.9 (16 votes)

Discovered in Jinyun County, China, in 2008 and officially described in 2018, Jinyunpelta sinensis (“Jinyun shield from China”) hails from the Albian-Cenomanian age, which at around one hundred million years is the oldest age of the Late Cretaceous. This makes it the oldest and baselmost ankylosaurine known to date.

Review: Wuerhosaurus (Vitae)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:

4.7 (10 votes)

Wuerhosaurus is one of those obscure names I often saw in books as a kid, but mostly just to complete an alphabet of dinosaur names. We don’t know exactly what this fragmentary stegosaur looked like, but Vitae’s model is well-detailed and adequately accurate for our current understanding.

Review: Zhejiangopterus (Vitae)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Type:

4.9 (11 votes)

When we think of the group of pterosaur knows as azhdarchid, the first thing that comes to mind are the large species such as Quetzalcoatlus and Hatzegopteryx for good reason. These two famous species are the largest of the pterosaurs and hold the record as the largest animal that have ever taken to the air.

Review: Zhejiangosaurus (Vitae)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

4.9 (9 votes)

While a lot of dinosaur names are quite a challenge for the laymen to be read and correctly spelled, the ones inspired by Chinese locations and names may even be a serious challenge to the dinosaur expert. Zhejiangosaurus comes as one of the easier names, but maybe one you do not really need to remember…..

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