Brand: World of History

Review: Saichania (World of History by Schleich)

3.3 (7 votes)

On a cold and cloudy day I was doing some work at home when there was a sudden thump next to me. I looked over; my daughter was looking up at me with her Schleich Saichania in her hand. She placed the Saichania next to me and told me to play.

Review: Spinosaurus (2015)(World of History by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.4 (18 votes)
Review and photos by Nathan ‘Takama’ Morris, edited by amargasaurus cazaui and Suspsy
Before I begin this review, I want to get something off my chest. In case it wasn’t already apparent, I like Schleich’s World Of History dinosaur figures. I think they are very distinctive from other brands, and I think each model has a certain charm to it.

Review: Styracosaurus (World of History by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.2 (11 votes)
Review and photos by Nathan ‘Takama’ Morris, edited by amargasaurus cazaui and Suspsy
Hi everyone! You have heard of Styracosaurus, right? If so, then you’re likely a regular member of our community. If you’re not (I know I wasn’t when I first found this blog), then you may have read about it in many different dinosaur books over the years.

Review: Therizinosaurus (World of History by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

2.8 (22 votes)
Review and photos by Tallin, edited by Plesiosauria.
As one of the strangest looking dinosaurs discovered it is unsurprising that Therizinosaurus and its kin have been represented in toy form by most of the major companies, sometimes more than once or in different scales.

Review: Triceratops (World of History by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

3.3 (15 votes)
Review and photos by Nathan ‘Takama’ Morris, edited by amargasaurus cazaui and Suspsy

To round out all of Schleich’s World of History ceratopsians on the blog, I will be reviewing the Triceratops (be sure to read Alice’s Pentaceratops review and my Styracosaurus review).

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (2014 resculpt version) (World of History by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

3.1 (18 votes)
Review and photos by Raptoress, edited by Plesiosauria. Versions of this figure available on here.
2014 has brought us many interesting and downright awesome models, including CollectA’s beautiful Carcharodontosaurus and Papo’s somewhat inaccurate, but stunning and incredibly detailed Dilophosaurus.

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (World of History by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

3.6 (25 votes)
Review and photos by ‘Tyrantqueen’, edited by Plesiosauria.
Here we have a new figure for 2012 from the company that so many love to hate, German manufacturer Schleich. This new Tyrannosaurus rex is part of Schleich’s new “World of History” line, which contains some familiar looking dinosaur sculpts, but also some brand new ones.

News: Upcoming releases from Schleich (New for 2014)

3.2 (6 votes)
When it comes to dinosaur lines, Schleich have been a bit of a let down in recent years. Not only have they retired a large proportion of their prehistoric animal figures, their most recent sculpts have been ugly and anatomically incorrect. The sort of toys that wouldn’t seem out of place in a bargain bin of ‘Made in China’ ‘Chinasaurs’.

Review: Velociraptor (World of History by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.3 (15 votes)
The last two reviews dealt with a Jurassic Park – inspired dinosaur and a new Schleich release. So here is your perfect synthesis, a review of Schleich´s new Velociraptor. It is way better than their last Velociraptor, but this was not difficult to achieve, to be honest.
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