Classification: Thyreophoran
Review: Mini Figures Collection (Battat)
The Battat line of 1:40 scale dinosaurs is so famous that it needs little introduction. Rightly so, as these figures are some of the best representation of dinosaurs in toy form. In fact, even after 20+ years, the line is still is considered one of the best.
Review: Mini-Dino Multi-Pack (“Battle Damage”)(Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Mattel)
Review: Minmi (CollectA)
Review: Minmi (Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Attack Pack wave 3 by Mattel)
Review: Minmi (Science and Nature, Pty Ltd.)
Today I´d like to introduce to you Science and Nature Minmi. The company did it as a part of their signature line of figures, “Animals of Australia Realistic Toy Replicas.”
Minmi is the name of a small herbivorous ankylosaurian dinosaur that lived during the early Cretaceous Period of Australia, about 119 to 113 million years ago.
Review: Miragaia (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)
A humid spring morning finds Costa browsing placidly on succulent berries. An abrupt noise in the surrounding brush causes him to turn his head and twitch his tail sharply, but it is just a harmless dryosaur also in the midst of browsing. Reassured, Costa returns to the glade where his mate is watching over their clutch.
Review: Miragaia (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd.)
Review: Miragaia (CollectA)
The 2012 CollectA Miragaia appears to have been caught in a moment of surprise.
Review: Miragaia (Jurassic World: Ferocious Pack by Mattel)
Review and images by EmperorDinobot, edited by Suspsy
I, Emperor Dinobot, would like to quote, or rather, paraphrase what someone said a few months ago upon seeing pictures of Mattel’s Miragaia: “This is an evil-looking figure!” I am not sure whether they were referring to the paint job or to the lack of accuracy, but I have to disagree.
Review: Miragaia (Zhong Jieming)
Ever wondered if knockoffs such as this Papo Spinosaurus and CollectA Hylaeosaurus have a company name behind them? Well, to save you the time, that company turns out to be Zhong Jieming. After reading that, you might be wondering why I brought up Chinese knockoff figures on our beloved blog, but in all seriousness, I found the source of those knockoffs completely by accident, and I have no intentions on purchasing any of them.