News category: Upcoming Releases

News: Upcoming release from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.11)

5 (20 votes)

Behold the painted prototype of Creative Beast/Eons’ Prehistoric Elephants Moeritherium!

The colour scheme is reminiscent of the Moeritherium that was featured in the BBC series Walking with Beasts. Both were clearly inspired by the common hippopotamus.

And here’s some other pleasing news: the Backerkit campaign is doing well thus far.

News: Upcoming releases from Mattel (New for 2024)(Pt.29)

3.3 (22 votes)

Two more Jurassic World Epic Attack toys have been revealed, both equipped with snapping jaws, lights, and sounds and both of them purely fictional beasts. First up is the Scorpius Rex from Netflix’s Camp Cretaceous.

And the other is the Indoraptor from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

News: Creative Beast/Eons’ Prehistoric Elephants Backerkit Campaign is Live!

5 (24 votes)

If you’ve been enjoying Beasts of the Mesozoic and are looking forward to Cyberzoic, then why not help make Prehistoric Elephants a reality as well? The Backerkit campaign has officially commenced and will terminate at the end of the month. You’ve already seen the woolly mammoth adult and calf, the Gomphotherium, and the Platybelodon; now check out the concept art and prototype of the Moeritherium!

News: Upcoming releases from Recur (New for 2024)(Pt.2)

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4 (29 votes)

In addition to their usual durable vinyl toys, Recur is finally breaking into the world of 1:35 scale PVC toys!

Elmer the Brachiosaurus.

Hoffmann the Mosasaurus.

Marsh the Triceratops.

These all look pretty nice. They are already available on AliExpress, and will hopefully be stocked by other online stores eventually.

News: Upcoming release from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.10)

4.5 (23 votes)

Boy, the reveals for the upcoming Prehistoric Elephants series sure have been happening fast! Only yesterday we were admiring the unpainted Platybelodon prototype and now here’s the painted one in all its grey glory!

Remember, the backer campaign launches in just four days!

News: Upcoming releases from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.9)

4 (24 votes)

The fourth figure for the Creative Beast/Eons Prehistoric Elephants line is none other than the famous “shovel tusker” Platybelodon! Here’s the concept art by Ross Persichetti.

And here’s the unpainted prototype for the actual figure. Looks fantastic!

And check out the 1/12 melanistic Smilodon for the Beasts of the Cenozoic series.

News: Upcoming releases from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.8)

4.8 (17 votes)

Well, that was quick. Here’s the painted prototype of the Creative Beast/Eons Prehistoric Elephants Gomphotherium!

Back when I was a child, prehistory books depicted Gomphotherium with brown fur all over. It seems a little less unusual now.

And check out these instructions for the Cyberzoic Razorhound armour that goes with the Achillobator.

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