News category: Upcoming Releases

News: Upcoming releases from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.6)

4.7 (24 votes)

Lots of exciting new images from Creative Beast were released last week. First up are these ones of the final sample for the 1/18 scale Beasts of the Mesozoic Allosaurus fragilis.

This figure will come with the new display stand, which has optional foam padding on the bottom.

News: Upcoming release from Mattel (New for 2024)(Pt.26)

4 (25 votes)

Now here’s some really cool news: Mattel has made the first ever toy of the North American elasmosaur Styxosaurus!

Apparently this will be in the same Gigantic Trackers wave as the Suchomimus. It is the first Jurassic World plesiosaur to have flippers that move as part of the action feature.

News: Upcoming release from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.5)

4.1 (21 votes)

Calling this a 2024 release is admittedly iffy, as 2025 is probably more likely, but anyway, here’s the painted prototype of the Creative Beast/Eons 1/18 scale woolly mammoth calf!

I really like how many different colours have gone into this furry little pachyderm, as woolly mammoth figures have historically been pretty bland in terms of colouration.

News: Upcoming release from Mattel (New for 2024)(Pt.25)

3.7 (19 votes)

Someone at Mattel must really like Suchomimus, because here’s the second toy of it for this year.

Unlike the first one, this crocodile mimic will be sold by itself as part of the Gigantic Trackers line. Like the others that have come before it, it looks like it’ll be a lot of fun to play with!

News: Upcoming releases from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.4)

4.6 (28 votes)

Here is the painted prototype of the 1/18 scale Beasts of the Mesozoic Allosaurus fragilis by Matt Holt.

This is definitely going to be one of the best Allosaurus figures yet. Everything about it looks terrific.

And here’s a small but exciting update for Creative Beast and Eons’ Prehistoric Elephants series: a breakdown of the parts and articulation of the adult woolly mammoth by Ross Persichetti.

News: Upcoming release from Mattel (New for 2024)(Pt.24)

News Category: Brand: ,

4.5 (19 votes)

Check this out! Mattel’s Legacy Collection Reimagined Roarin’ Real Feel Carnotaurus (geez, that’s a long title) follows in the footsteps of the Tyrannosaurus rex Off-Road Tracker Pack by replicating the colour scheme of Kenner’s Jurassic Park Series 2 “Demon.”

Not only is it a more accurate representation of Carnotaurus, it also features electronic roaring.

News: Upcoming releases from Rebor (New for 2024)

News Category: , Brand:

4.4 (19 votes)

Rebor has recently revealed their latest sculpt, “Cream,” based on the Vastatosaurus rex from the 2005 film King Kong. The Mountain version reflects the three that were shown on screen. 

And the more sinister Skullwalker version appears to have been influenced by the Skullcrawlers from 2017’s Kong Skull Island (which was a much better and more fun film in my book). 

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