All Phorusrhacos Reviews

Review: Diatryma (Schleich)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.3 (6 votes)

The Vintage Schleich Diatryma is a nice little figure to have! It is brightly coloured (although I know of monochrome ones being out there) and looks as if it is smiling at you. Looking at this figure, one can’t believe it was a more or less aggressive Eocene omnivore, lurking for prey in the Messel woods, not even avoiding small horses.

Review: Diatryma and Phorusrhacos (Starlux)

Genus: , , Brand: Classification: Age: , , Type: ,

4.3 (9 votes)
Review and photos by Lanthanotus, edited by Suspsy
A few months ago I stumbled upon pictures of several dinosaur figures made by the French company Starlux while I was reading through the “Recent Acquisitions” thread in the DTF. I looked up this company and found that they had made a great array of dinosaurs as well as some very obscure and rarely depicted prehistoric animals.

Review: Prehistoric Animal Set (The Ark by Joy City)

4.2 (6 votes)

Every now and again, something rather interesting pops up that you wouldn’t expect to be as good as you’d think. The toy sets you would see at supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl, often seen as cheap item makers, having something worth getting. Here, we examine the Joy City line on prehistoric animals, a counterpoint to there Dinosaur wave, which seems more typical chinasaur.

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