Age: Triassic

Review: Arizonasaurus (The World of Dinosaurs by Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.6 (21 votes)
Arizonasaurus was a 12 foot long, predatory, long legged Rauisuchian related to modern crocodilians, and it was a top predator in the lower Triassic ecosystem of yep, you guessed it, Arizona roughly 240 million years ago. The name translates simply to “Arizona reptile”.

Review: Atopodentatus (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.9 (21 votes)

Review and photos by Ravonium, edited by Suspsy

In 2014, a group of Chinese paleontologists working in Yunnan Province discovered a near complete skeleton of Atopodentatus, a new genus (and likely, lineage) of Sauropterygia (the main group of Mesozoic marine reptiles) with an odd and somewhat creepy skull unlike that of any other known vertebrate.

Review: Atopodentatus (Prehistoric Animal Models by PNSO)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:
PNSO Atopodentatus head

4.6 (37 votes)

The Middle Triassic began a mere five million years after the end-Permian extinction. On land, forests had finally staggered back from the destruction. Insects, mammal relatives, and sauropsids started to diversify into new–or sometimes rediscovered–morphologies. In the oceans, ray-finned fishes and coelacanths thrived, and some sauropsids returned to the sea.

Review: Atopodentatus (Ultimate Dinosaurs by Yowie Group)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

4.2 (5 votes)

Although I’ve reviewed a number of these Yowie figures there’s one above all others that I’ve been wanting to obtain, the Atopodentatus, and I guess the 12th times the charm! Although listed as “common” on the Yowie rarity chart it had frustratingly eluded me for two months.

Review: Atopodentatus (version 1) (Paleo-Creatures)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

3.8 (15 votes)

I’m fascinated by how depictions of prehistoric animals change over time in the face of new evidence. This is the theme of my recent children’s book, The Tyrannosaur’s Feathers, which focusses on T. rex as a case study for this ‘make-over’ phenomenon.

Review: Batrachotomus (The World of Dinosaurs by Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.2 (12 votes)
Batrachotomus was a primitive basal rauisuchian, which were a group of crocodile-like archosaurs adapted to a strictly terrestrial lifestyle, and were the dominant predators of the Triassic. Batrachotomus existed around 235 million years ago during the Ladinian Age of the Middle Triassic, and is considered by many paleontologists to be an early form of the more widely recognized rauisuchian genus Postosuchus.

Review: Belemnite (Prehistoric World by CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: , , Type:

4.7 (15 votes)

CollectA has long been at the forefront of producing obscure toys of prehistoric animals but by and large they’ve all been tetrapods; four legged vertebrates and their descendants. This includes a variety of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, marine reptiles, and mammals. But this year CollectA has raised the bar and released four prehistoric invertebrate figures: a trilobite (Redlichia rex), Orthoceras, Pleuroceras ammonite, and a belemnite.

Review: Caviramus (Deluxe by CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:
CollectA Caviramus left

4.8 (27 votes)

At this point I think it’s fair to say that a new large-format pterosaur is among the highlights of CollectA’s new figure announcements. They don’t quite come every year, but they do seem to be coming more frequently. This year’s choice was one of the earliest pterosaurs, the peculiar Caviramus schesaplanensis from the Rhaetian (Late Triassic) of what would become Eurasia. 

The first specimen of Caviramus was only a broken lower jaw which showed evidence of heavy teeth and an unusually low joint.

Review: Coelophysis (DINO by Lego)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.5 (11 votes)
“Hello there, fellow dinosaur lovers! My name is Dr. Bella Bricking and I am the curator of paleontology at the Bricksburg Museum of Natural History. And this is my assistant and friend, ace tracker and wrangler Beth Buildit. It’s so nice to meet all of you!”
“Hey there.”

“Today we shall be embarking on an exciting and educational journey through the amazing world of Lego dinosaurs.

Review: Coelophysis (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

3.4 (11 votes)
Review and photos by Nathan ‘Takama’ Morris, edited by amargasaurus cazaui and Suspsy
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s about time we got to reviewing more of the wide selection of Geoworld’s Jurassic Hunters prehistoric animals, and what better way to start this trend off than with a creature that hails from the Triassic?

Review: Coelophysis (Jurassic Park by Kenner)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

3.6 (14 votes)
Anyone that has read up on their dinosaurs knows who Coelophysis was. This small, lithe theropod is one of the oldest dinosaurs to have been described. Their massive late Triassic bone beds are among the most famous fossil sites in North America and the genera holds a special place in my heart as one of the only dinosaurs known to have lived in my home state of New York.
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