Brand: Sega
Review: Black Tyrannosaurus (Dinosaur King by Sega)

The idea of genetically altering creatures for ulterior motives is a common thing in various stories, usually resulting in some big bad creature that our heroes must defeat. Dino media is no exception to this, and here we look at a model of one Tyrannosaurus that ended up bigger and stronger than others in it’s series: the Black T.Rex from Dinosaur King.
Review: Therizinosaurus (Dinosaur King by Sega Toys)

Once again, I am looking into what can happen when a property becomes extremely popular: merchandising. Such is the case for the Dinosaur King franchise. After the success of the arcade game, a manga series and anime were commissioned and, as a result, a series of figure lines were made, from small 2” lines, arcade exclusives and an articulated line.
Review: Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus (Sega Dinosaur King, 2014 Reissues)

Review: Tyrannosaurus (The Great Dinosaur by Sega)

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Dinosaur King by Sega)
Review: Yangchuanosaurus (Dinosaur King by Sega)

When companies add dinosaurs to a franchise, be it a game, show or book, they often want to make them as bright and eye catching as possible so that people will buy the merchandise. This often ignores any colouring that may be what they actually looked like, as it would be too subdued.