At this point in my life, my reviews are all going to be somewhat personal. As collectors, we tend to form serious attachments to our toys or figures, as they often serve as memory capsules. They remind us of things such as a fun event that led to their discovery, a trip where a collector bought a figure at a gift shop, a gift given to a collector for their birthday, or by a special someone that may or may not be with them anymore, etc.
Brand: Uncategorized
News: Announcement – Dinosaur Toy Forum
The Dinosaur Toy Forum – the official forum of The Dinosaur Toy Blog – was launched this month as a place for dinosaur toy collectors and enthusiasts to share and discuss their collections and to talk about dinosaur toys in general. Please feel free to browse the posts and we look forward to you joining in the discussions!
News: Announcing… the Animal Toy Blog!
It has taken more than a decade but last week we launched the Animal Toy Blog, a sister site to the Dinosaur Toy Blog. The focus there, of course, is on extant creatures: those living today.
There are currently six regular reviewers headed by bmathison1972, and the site already has a dozen reviews published, plus many more in the pipeline.
Review: Bicapitosaurus ivani (Unknown caster)
Review and photos by Torvosaurus, edited by Suspsy
Howdy from wonderful, windy Wyoming! Today we’ll take a (satirical) look at Bicaputosaurus ivani, sculpted by an unknown artist.
For the first time, a national big box department store steps to the front, ahead of offerings by typical dinosaur manufacturers, offering this rare dinosaur to any discriminating collector.
News: Dinosaur Diorama Contest 2009 – Winners!
News: Dinosaur Diorama Contest 2009 Deadline
News: Dinosaur Diorama Contest 2010 – Winners!
News: Dinosaur Diorama Contest 2012 – winners!
I’m pleased to announce the results of the Dinosaur Diorama Contest 2012, sponsored by Dan’s Dinosaurs. This year we had the largest number of entries ever and the standard was incredibly high. However, one diorama stood head and shoulders above the rest, both in the public vote and also in the opinion of the judges, so first place winner this year is especially deserved.