Classification: Stegosaur

Review: Stegosaurus (Honorable Lead Boiler Suit Company)

3.4 (24 votes)

Review and photos by Torvosaurus, edited by Suspsy

Howdy from wonderful, windy Wyoming! Today we’ll take a look at the Honorable Lead Boiler Suit (HLBS) Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus, with the large plates on its back, is probably one of the most recognizable dinosaurs along with Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, and Brontosaurus.

Review: Stegosaurus (Invicta)

4.8 (16 votes)
Some dinosaurs have undergone quite radical image changes over the years – sauropods moved out of their swamps and got into shape and theropods went from blundering tail draggers to sleek, deadly (and quite horizontal) predators – some of then even gained feathers. It might be tempting to presume, however, that Stegosaurus has remained much the same – slow, stupid and stacked with plates like a big reptilian dishwasher.

Review: Stegosaurus (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Action Attack by Mattel)

3.6 (14 votes)
As you all know by now, The Jurassic World toys by Hasbro were a bust. Speaking personally, I didn’t buy a single Hasbro Jurassic World toy. I wanted to, but they utterly failed to impress. That’s all ancient history now that Mattel holds the Jurassic World license.

Review: Stegosaurus (Mini)(Skeleflex by Wild Planet)

1.6 (11 votes)
Despite its immense fame and popularity, there are not very many complete specimens of Stegosaurus. Most of the skeletons you see in museums are actually composites of multiple animals. The most intact one is currently “Sophie,” a young adult that resides in the Natural History Museum in London, U.K.

Review: Stegosaurus (Nanoblock)

2.8 (5 votes)
“Hello, fellow dinosaur lovers! Yes, it is I, Dr. Bella Bricking, along with my dear friend and colleague, Beth Buildit! How lovely it is to see you again!”
“Hey folks.”
“Today we’ll be introducing something new to the Dinosaur Toy Blog: the first ever Nanoblock review!”
“What’s the deal, Doc?

Review: Stegosaurus (National Geographic plush dinosaurs by Lelly)

4.5 (6 votes)
Review and photographs by ‘Resurrection of the dinosaurs’, edited by Dinotoyblog
This is my first review for the Dinosaur Toy Blog. Stegosaurus is among my favorite dinosaurs and I have plenty of Stegosaurus figures/toys (see group photo below). This is why I chose this charming prehistoric plush toy for my first review.

Review: Stegosaurus (Papo)

3.6 (24 votes)
Stegosaurus has always been a staple dinosaur. It’s featured prominently in museums, the media, museum toylines, chinasaur bins, and it’s been heavily researched. Many renditions of this animal have been done in toy form (just about every dinosaur toy collection has one!) so we’ll look at the attempt by Papo for now.

Review: Stegosaurus (Playmobil)

4.5 (13 votes)
Another all-new animal in the 2013 Playmobil Dinos line is the famous Stegosaurus. This one is a mother whose eggs are about to hatch, but she’d better keep a close eye on that hungry crocodilian who lives nearby!

This version of the “roofed lizard” measures 23 cm long from nose to tail tip and stands just over 11 cm tall at the tip of its plates.

Review: Stegosaurus (Scout Series ‘Melon’ by REBOR)

4.6 (14 votes)
Stegosaurus is one of the most popular and recognizable dinosaurs and almost without any exception any given toy company or producer of prehistoric creatures has one or more of them in their line up. But as same as for other species, almost no company offers reconstructions of juvenile versions of this spectacular species.

Review: Stegosaurus (Sideshow)

4.5 (11 votes)
Sideshow’s rendition of the mighty Stegosaurus was released in summer of 2012. At 16″ high and 26″ long, the term “mighty” becomes quite appropriate. While previous models like the Apatosaurus may have been technically greater in length, there is a great visual difference between an animal with a long, slender tail, and one that is bolstered by huge plates along the entire body.

Review: Stegosaurus (Sinclair Dinoland)

3.6 (8 votes)

Although Sinclair’s figurines all resemble their giant sculpture counterparts to some degree, the Stegosaurus is perhaps the most strikingly close of them all, with more grace than typically seen in other artwork for the time.

Stegosaurus has been one of the most recognizable dinosaur genera since its discovery and description in 1877.

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