If there’s one group of dinosaurs that have never before graced a child’s toy box then it would almost certainly be the alvarezsaurids. Alvarezsaurids are small, maniraptoran dinosaurs whose fossils were found in North and South America, as well as Asia. These dinosaurs had long legs and necks, and were probably feathered, but the main characteristic that sets most of these particular dinosaurs apart, is their insanely tiny arms, which end in a single clawed digit.
Age: Cretaceous
Review: Mononykus (MIXVS MINIMAX)
Review: Mononykus with Desert Environment Accessory Pack (Beasts of the Mesozoic: Raptor Series by Creative Beast Studio)
Review: Moros (Jurassic World: Ferocious Pack by Mattel)
Review and photos by EmperorDinobot, edited by Suspsy
Hello, and welcome to another EmperorDinobot review! Today we shall be looking at one of Jurassic Park: Dominion‘s new dinosaur figures from Mattel, Moros intrepidus!
I must admit, I knew almost nothing about Moros going into this review, and I do wish to thank Mattel for producing figures of animals I had rarely heard of.
Review: Mosasaur by Sideshow Dinosauria
Regular visitors to the DinoToyBlog know that I enjoy reviewing every new piece in this series, but I really wanted our resident paleontologist Dr. Adam Stuart Smith to have a go at this one; truly, I doubt there would be anyone better suited to this task.
Review: Mosasaurus ( PNSO Scientific Art Model)
Review: Mosasaurus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd)
Review: Mosasaurus (Chomper)(Jurassic World by Hasbro)
Mosasaurus has finally made it to the big screen in Jurassic World and while it might not be scientific accurate, if you look at it in terms of the cool factor, one could argue that it was the star of the film. Literally and figuratively it is involved in the biggest splashes of action during its screen time.
Review: Mosasaurus (CollectA)
With their deadly jaws, great size, and powerful tails, mosasaurs were the marine equivalent of the tyrannosaurs during the Cretaceous Period. And the most fearsome mosasaur of them all was none other than Mosasaurus itself.
One of CollectA’s greatest strengths is their dedication to reflecting the latest paleontological discoveries in their products.
Review: Mosasaurus (Deluxe Prehistoric Collection by CollectA)
Review: Mosasaurus (Dino Escape by Mattel)
Mattel’s take on Jurassic World’s giant sea reptile is back as big and beautiful as ever, with a few new interesting quirks up its plastic sleeve.
When Mattel began announcing their upcoming releases in the wake of acquiring the Jurassic World license in 2018, one of the first and most exciting toys to catch my eye was the giant Mosasaurus, an impressive “real-feel” articulated toy that could eat Hasbro’s earlier attempts at the genus for lunch.
Review: Mosasaurus (Dinosaurs by LEGO)
“How do you do, fellow dinosaur lovers? Dr. Bella Bricking and Beth Buildit here once again, wishing you all both a happy National Dinosaur Day and a happy Pride Month! Are you ready for yet another dive deep into the exciting world of prehistoric LEGO sets?”
*sigh* “Why are we wearing these getups, Doc?