Age: Triassic

Review: Tanystropheus (Starlux)

4.1 (7 votes)
Somehow, not a single Starlux figure has ever been reviewed on the Dinosaur Toy Blog! I don’t know how we omitted such an influential line all this time but it’s time to finally change that. The delightful line of prehistoric animals produced by French company Starlux, mainly during the 1960s and 70s, is highly collectible today.

Review: Tasmaniosaurus (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

4.3 (4 votes)

When most will think of extinct animals on the islands of Tasmania, they will think of the Thylacine. While it is very famous, there are, of course, many other extinct creatures that are worthy of note.One such example is Tasmaniosaurus, one of the most complete Triassic reptiles found in Australia.

Review: Tawa (Conquering the Earth by Schleich)

4.1 (16 votes)

The kinds of dinosaur toy fans who care about accuracy and realism tend to find Schleich frustrating, perhaps because Schleich has, at the very least, the technical capacity to make outstanding figures. For example, their recent Kentrosaurus was a solid effort, but in the same year as a good figure like that they’ll release arrestingly ugly toys.

Review: Williamsonia (CollectA)

5 (15 votes)
Thought I’d take a stab at reviewing a prehistoric plant for the first time. Let’s take a look at Williamsonia, a member of the order of Bennettitales, or cycadeoids. Bennettitales were an order of seed plants that first arose during the Triassic and then flourished all the way until the end of the Cretaceous.

Review: Z-Cardz Dinosaurs Series 1 (California Creations)

2.9 (7 votes)

A relic of toy trends from the 2000s, these cheap assembled models make for a decent little novelty item, as long as you’re delicate with them.

I’ve never been much of a “card” collector, so I’ve never followed the hobby closely, but I do recall a time in the early 2000s when 3D card models like Z-Cardz and Star Wars Pocketmodels became all the rage, at least within my own friend circles.

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