Brand: Kenner
Review: Alpha Velociraptor (Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect by Kenner)
Review and Photographs By Sketchy, edited by Suspsy
While Jurassic World popularized the idea of genetically modified dinosaur hybrids, Kenner beat them to the idea over 17 years prior with the Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect line, a mix of crazy hybrids and similarly crazy repaints of old figures.
Review: Baryonyx (Jurassic Park: Series 2 by Kenner)
Review and photos by EmperorDinobot, edited by Suspsy
Hello, everybody and welcome to another review by yours truly. Today we’re going to be talking about the legendary (and ugly) Series 2 Jurassic Park Baryonyx, nicknamed “Snapper” by InGen staff. We’re going to be looking over its colors, playability, and whether it warrants the high price it often goes for, so let’s just get into it!
Review: Baryonyx (The Lost World: Jurassic Park by Kenner)
Review: Carnotaurus “Bonebreaker” (The Lost World: Jurassic Park by Kenner)
Review: Carnotaurus “Demon” (Jurassic Park, Series 2 by Kenner)
It can be hard being a Jurassic Park dinosaur collector. Sometimes it is because certain figures are rare and expensive. Or sometimes, it is because certain figures are rare, expensive, AND ugly. Some of the most infamous dinosaurs made by Kenner share these three things, and yet somehow, they are legendary among fans.
Review: Chasmosaurus (The Lost World: Jurassic Park by Kenner)
Review: Coelophysis (Jurassic Park by Kenner)
Review: Compstegnathus (Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect by Kenner)
Review and photographs by Sketchy, edited by Suspsy
Although the Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect was far from successful upon its release, it has since generated a cult following from some hardcore collectors. One of the most well known and easiest to find of the hybrids is the Compstegnathus.