Brand: CollectA
Review: Nothronychus (CollectA)
3.1 (15 votes)
Review and photos by John Hall
In their reconstruction of the dinosaur Nothronychus, CollectA have produced a very good, very strange-looking model. To understand why this apparently unflattering description is a compliment and not a contradiction in terms, we need to review just a little background on Nothronychus and the therizinosaurs – the truly remarkable group of dinosaurs to which Nothronychus belongs.
In their reconstruction of the dinosaur Nothronychus, CollectA have produced a very good, very strange-looking model. To understand why this apparently unflattering description is a compliment and not a contradiction in terms, we need to review just a little background on Nothronychus and the therizinosaurs – the truly remarkable group of dinosaurs to which Nothronychus belongs.
Review: Olorotitan (CollectA)
3.5 (11 votes)
“I don’t like it.” This statement was said in a matter in fact voice by my three-year old who loves all dinosaur/prehistoric toys. We were on the CollectA website just browsing the current crop of prehistoric creatures, with my son repeating the words “I like it, and “let’s get it,” as we scroll from dinosaur to dinosaur.
Review: Ornithocheirus (CollectA)
Review: Orthoceras (Prehistoric World by CollectA)
Review: Ouranosaurus (CollectA)
3 (17 votes)
Ouranosaurus is instantly recognizable by virtue of its tall neural spines, which supported either a sail or possibly a hump. Residing in Africa during the Late Cretaceous, it was long thought to be part of the iguanodontid family. However, it is now thought to have been a basal hadrosauroid.
Review: Oviraptor (CollectA)
Review: Pachycephalosaurus (CollectA)
3.9 (17 votes)
With its wonderful knobby skull and domed cranium, Pachycephalosaurus is one of the most distinctive dinosaurs. Paleontologists are still divided over how precisely it used its noggin, although a 2013 study by the University of Wisconsin concluded that it did indeed engage in intraspecific conflict.
Review: Pachyrhinosaurus (CollectA)
Review: Paraceratherium (Collecta)
3.1 (15 votes)
Photographs by PhilSauria
Paraceratherium, also commonly known as Indricotherium or Baluchitherium, was a genus of gigantic hornless rhinoceros-like mammals, belonging to the family of the Hyracodontidae. Their fossils have been found in many parts of Asia, including Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Mongolia, and China.
Paraceratherium, also commonly known as Indricotherium or Baluchitherium, was a genus of gigantic hornless rhinoceros-like mammals, belonging to the family of the Hyracodontidae. Their fossils have been found in many parts of Asia, including Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Mongolia, and China.
Review: Paraceratherium, Deluxe (CollectA)
Review: Paralititan (CollectA Deluxe)
3 (11 votes)
During the Cretaceous, Paralititan and its kin were some of the biggest creatures to ever exist on the planet. Paralititan stromeri or tidal giant lived 95 million years ago in an intertidal mangrove biome. The mangroves were along the southern shore of the Tethy’s sea, which is now modern Egypt.