Age: Miocene

Review: Moropus (CollectA)

4.9 (15 votes)
Chalicotheres were an unusual family of ungulates related to the similarly extinct brontotheres as well as extant horses, rhinos, and tapirs. At over 8 feet tall, Moropus was one of the largest chalicotheres. Unlike its smaller relatives, it appears to have walked on its palms as opposed to its knuckles.

Review: Prehistoric Animal Set (The Ark by Joy City)

3.8 (4 votes)

Every now and again, something rather interesting pops up that you wouldn’t expect to be as good as you’d think. The toy sets you would see at supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl, often seen as cheap item makers, having something worth getting. Here, we examine the Joy City line on prehistoric animals, a counterpoint to there Dinosaur wave, which seems more typical chinasaur.

Review: Prehistoric Animals (Panini, review part 2)

Panini prehistoric animals and dinosaur toys

4.3 (8 votes)
In part 1 of this review we looked at 12 dinosaur toys (and one pterosaur) from Panini’s Prehistoric Animals line. In part 2 we pick up where we left off to complete the full set of 24 toys.

Figure numbers 13 to 15 are a trio of marine reptiles, and their dark blue colour works very well for aquatic animals.

Review: Prehistoric Landscapes Cycad by Safari Ltd.

4.9 (10 votes)
Review and photographs by Lanthanotus, edited by Suspsy
Here comes another (unfortunately retired) one of the prehistoric plants produced by Safari Ltd, the other two being reviewed here. I did not include it in the first review as my usual retailer didn’t have it in stock anymore and it took some time to find one for a reasonable price.

Review: Prehistoric Life Toob (Safari Ltd)

4 (10 votes)
Safari Ltd has released several new tubes in 2010, or Toobs, to be funky but grammatically incorrect, each of which contains a selection of prehistoric critters. But before we pour these new toobs out for review, let’s take a look at one of the existing toob sets.

Review: Prehistoric Mammal Skulls (Toob by Safari Ltd.)

4.7 (9 votes)
Prehistoric skulls, be they those of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, sea monsters, mammals, amphibians, or any other beasts, are always things of beauty and intrigue. Let us take a look at this interesting variety of mammal skulls from Safari Ltd. There are eight in total, all coloured medium brown with a pale brown wash, and all with their names printed on the undersides.

Review: Prehistoric Mammals Tube (Collecta)

4.2 (17 votes)

Collecta has been bringing out prehistoric animal tubes over the last few years, and while some gave us some great new designs, others have just given us miniature versions of models they already have. This is a case of the latter, as they have released these small versions of their ancient mammals.

Review: Prehistoric Plants (Safari Ltd)

4.9 (9 votes)
Review and photographs by Lanthanotus, edited by Suspsy
Plants and trees may not be a collector’s first choice of models to collect, and not only because there’s so few around. In general, humans feel more attracted to animals than towards plants despite the fact that we could still live well without keeping or even breeding (and feeding on) animals, but not without plants.

Review: Ridgeheaded Mekosuchine (Yowie)

3.7 (6 votes)

Science counts around 25 species of recent crocodile species and all – maybe with the exception of the African Dwarf Crocodile – live an aquatic life and use the land mainly to bask and nest. In their long history the group we accept as “crocodiles” has seen quite a variety of crocodilian forms, not few of them terrestrial more than aquatic, a trait that showed off in their morphology.

Review: Sivatherium (Bestiari)

5 (8 votes)

Review and photos by Bokisaurus

Today, we will review a special figure. I originally intended this as my first 2019 review but got delayed. I wanted to review something a little different than your mass produced toy figures, this was the perfect candidate.

As a kid, my fondest memories of going to the zoo was seeing the giraffes.

Review: Sivatherium (Prehistoric Creatures by Shapeways)

4 (2 votes)
Photographs and review by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a review, but now that I have a brief break from things, I have time to write a new one. And I’ll start with 3D printing. I adore 3D printing; the idea that you can design nearly anything and create a physical model for it is astounding, and has great prospects for recreating prehistoric life.

Review: Thylacosmilus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

3.7 (7 votes)

Animals can adapt to their environment in many different ways, resulting in many interesting species. but the more interesting case is when two distinctly different species, not even closely related, evolve similar or the same adaptation, known as convergent evolution. Such is the example whit this review: Thylacosmilus, which may look like a sabre toothed cat, but is in fact a sprassodont, a marsupial from South America.

Review: Titanochelon bolivari (1:20 Miocene Collection by Signatustudio)

4.9 (9 votes)

Review and images by bmathison1972; edited by Suspsy

Signatustudio is a line of animal replicas made by artist J. Miguel Aparicio out of Spain. Most of his models are in the 1:20 scale and represent the fauna of Eurasia, including the Iberian Peninsula, the Mediterranean, Tibetan Plateau, and Euro-Siberian regions.

Review: Williamsonia (CollectA)

5 (15 votes)
Thought I’d take a stab at reviewing a prehistoric plant for the first time. Let’s take a look at Williamsonia, a member of the order of Bennettitales, or cycadeoids. Bennettitales were an order of seed plants that first arose during the Triassic and then flourished all the way until the end of the Cretaceous.
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