Brand: Safari Ltd

Review: Stygimoloch (Dino Dana by Safari Ltd.)

3.1 (74 votes)

I first learned about Stygimoloch back in the late 1980s when I came across a painting of it by the late paleoartist Ely Kish in a dinosaur book, and I distinctly recall being rather excited at the prospect of another North American pachycephalosaur besides Pachycephalosaurus itself and Stegoceras.

Review: Styracosaurus (2019)(Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.7 (29 votes)
Review and photographs by Jose Carlos Salas (Jose_S.M.), edited by Suspsy
Safari Ltd has a history of delivering great ceratopsid sculpts almost every year, so much so that it’s kind of an annual tradition and 2019 is no exception. This time, they’ve made one of the better known ones for the general public: Styracosaurus.

Review: Styracosaurus (Carnegie Collection by Safari ltd)

3.7 (15 votes)
I really can’t get enough of this dinosaur it seems. This is what, the third review by me of a Stycacosaurus? This time I will be reviewing Carnegie’s rendition of the semi-popular spiked dinosaur.

Despite the vast myriad of dinosaurs species turned into models by them, Carnegie only has four ceratopsid species under its belt.

Review: Suchomimus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd)

1.4 (13 votes)
Suchomimus is believed to have been a large piscivorous theropod, related to the extremely large Spinosaurus. Despite Suchomimus being relatively well known to dinosaur enthusiasts, it is usually not made in PVC form, in favor of Baryonyx. So, even though this toy has some flaws, it is still nice to see one in plastic.

Review: Suchomimus 2014 (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

3.9 (13 votes)

The first time I ever heard of Suchomimus was when I saw Jurassic Park 3 and the character Billy said, “It’s a super-predator: Suchomimus, “then Billy uses his hand and mimics the length of the snout and finishes by saying, “the snout.”  The Suchomimus, which means “crocodile mimic” definitely had a pronounced and interesting snout that in a quick glance resembles today crocodiles and alligators, though in reality there are many structural differences. 

Review: Swimming Spinosaurus ( Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

2.1 (53 votes)

Review and photos by Bokisaurus

Greetings dinofans! Since 2019 is shaping up to be the year of the Spinosaurus, I figured it would be a great way to celebrate it by reviewing Safari’s new for 2019 swimming Spinosaurus. The review is longer than I wanted it to be, but with a species that already is one of the most reviewed figure, I wanted to add just a little bit of its history in the toy world.

Review: T. rex Hatchling (Dino Discoveries by Safari)

3 (9 votes)
Review by Patrick Krol
Since I started collecting dinosaur figures I wanted to have dinosaur eggs in my collection, but couldn’t find a good one anywhere. Then, when I discovered about the foreign museum lines through internet, I found out that Safari had done some hatchling dinosaurs and they were soon in my “things to buy” list.

Review: Tale of Two Stegosaurs: Carnegie Miragaia and CollectA Dacentrurus

4.3 (10 votes)
This featured article comes from longtime forum member Boki, who shares his thoughts on the two major stegosaur releases of 2011. Thanks, Boki! (-Dan)

In this year’s dinosaur lineup, we are offered two unusual late Jurassic stegosaurs.
In the past, most companies have opted for the familiar stegosaur when choosing a species to add to their line of prehistoric figures.

Review: Tanystropheus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd.)

4.3 (13 votes)
One of my favorite critters from the Triassic period has to be Tanystropheus. In a period renowned for its strange non-dinosaur Archosauromorphs the Tanystropheus is certainly among the strangest. Superficially similar to a plesiosaur this animal appears to have been semi-aquatic, with webbed feet instead of flippers.

Review: Tapejara (Wild Safari Collection by Safari Ltd)

4.3 (8 votes)
Tapejara is a pterosaur from the Cretaceous deposits of Brazil. Historically, several species have been referred to this genus, each species was differentiated based on the shape and size of their head crests. Safari’s offering shows a tall semicircular crest and a long prong protruding from the back of the head, this arrangement is characteristic of the species Tapejara imperator.

Review: Therizinosaurus (Dinosaurs of China by Safari Ltd.)

3.3 (10 votes)
The year 1993 was a big year for dinosaur fanatics, the most obvious reason being the release of Jurassic Park in June of that year. It is difficult for me, and likely others of my generation, to grasp just how long ago that was and how much has changed since.

Review: Therizinosaurus (Great Dinosaurs Collection by Safari Ltd)

3 (21 votes)
Review and photos by Gwangi
If you were purchasing dinosaur toys two decades ago there is one family you wouldn’t have seen represented at all, the Therizinosauridae. Though known to science since 1954 it is a family that was very poorly known only until recently. Therizinosaurs represent just how little we know about dinosaurs and how much we still have to learn, who knows what entire families of dinosaurs we’ll find within the next couple decades!

Review: Torosaurus (Sue at the Field Museum by Safari Ltd.)

4.5 (10 votes)
In 2004 Safari Ltd. released four dinosaur figures in collaboration with Chicago’s Field Museum in honor of the newly mounted “Sue,” the worlds largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus.  Among the releases were two versions of Sue herself but two other dinosaurs that were Tyrannosaurus contemporaries (and food) were also released; Anatotitan and Torosaurus.

Review: Triceratops (‘Great Dinosaurs’ Collection by Safari Ltd)

3.4 (13 votes)
This most famous of ceratopsids has been reincarnated in toy form on many occasions, Triceratops is, after all, a household favourite.

Once again, Safari Ltd’s Great Dinosaurs collection impresses us with a pretty good figure, far exceeding our expectations for a $6 bargain and offering an embarrassing comparison for one of Safari’s other attempts at this dinosaur (the original Carnegie Collection Triceratops is simply appalling, in my opinion).

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