Classification: Fish

Review: Megalodon ( PNSO Scientific Arts)

3.7 (17 votes)

Review and photos by Bokisaurus

When it comes to suffering from identity crisis, no other extinct species exhibits this more than the mighty Megalodon (Carcharocles megalodon), which is ironic given how popular it is.This identity crisis is of course due to the fact that very little fossil material is available to help create an accurately restoration of it and that the majority of the restorations, from paleo art to movies, are all based on the extant Great White shark, a species that many believed for years it resembles. 

Despite this crisis, Megalodon is the most famous of the extinct sharks, and possibly only surpassed in popularity by the extant Great White that still roam todays oceans.

Review: Megalodon (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)

3.5 (24 votes)

This is no mere great white copy; Patton the MegalodonĀ is a grade-A movie monster, a hulking brute with commanding shelf presence.

Let’s face it: people love apex predators. We’re scared of them, sure, but we also admire them and get excited by them. Sharks are one group of predators we humans seem particularly drawn to, and their fossil record shows a long history which eclipses the age of dinosaurs by a mile.

Review: Megalodon (Deluxe by CollectA)

4.5 (26 votes)

Anne Bonny is on the chase. She had been following the distant scent of a whale pod when a strange new scent and a distinct sound of splashing caused her to veer hard to starboard in the direction of the islands along the coastline. As she approaches closer, her many senses quickly inform her that a large beast is swimming slowly and clumsily at the surface.

Review: Megalodon (Soft Model by Favorite Co. Ltd.)

3.7 (6 votes)

Review and photos by Zim, edited by Suspsy

Otodus megalodon is probably one of the most well-recognized prehistoric animals of all time due to our fascination of giant versions of animals, in this case, sharks. Though it is frequently depicted as an oversized great white shark due to the resemblance between their teeth, many experts now agree that this is due to convergent evolution rather than a close relation.

Review: Megalodon (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

2.2 (16 votes)
MEGALODON! The undisputed monarch of all sharks. Possibly the largest and most powerful flesh-eating animal to ever inhabit Earth’s seas. Star of cheesy novels, cheesier made-for-TV movies, and even cheesier pseudo-documentaries. And surprisingly enough, underrepresented in the world of prehistoric toys. For a long time, the proper scientific name for this animal was Carcharodon megalodon, however, it has recently been reclassified as Carcharocles megalodon.

Review: New Zealand Grayling (Forgotten Friends Series A by Yowie)

4.3 (4 votes)

Across the globe, fish populations are under threat as a result of human expansion, altering the environment to suit us. From the Yangtze to the Atlantic, aquatic populations are struggling. This has led to many extinctions, such as the subject of this review: the New Zealand Grayling (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus).

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Review: Onchopristis (Paleontology World by Damtoys)

3.8 (6 votes)

Spinosaurus is one of the most popular dinosaurs in figure form. The dinotoycollector website has more than 100 entries for the genus, and collectively we’ve reviewed more than 40 here on the blog. For that reason, I’m not going to spend much time on the new Spinosaurus statue by Damtoys, instead focusing on the fish that was included with it.

Review: Paleozoic Creatures (Colorata)

5 (10 votes)

Colorata has been making boxed sets of dinosaurs for several years now, which occasionally include dinosaur contemporaries like pterosaurs or mosasaurs, but in December of 2017 they released their first boxed set of prehistoric figures featuring exclusively non-dinosaur taxa. Say hello to the Extinct Animals: Paleozoic Creatures set.

Review: Pituriaspis (Mega Squali by Diramix)

3 (2 votes)

We met the Italian company Diramix last year when we reviewed their Livyatan. Their rubbery, stretchy toys aren’t much to look at, but sometimes they take on some interesting species. I’m a sucker for those, so late last year when their “Mega Squali” line came out, I had to have the random prehistoric fish that they included.

Review: Prehistoric Marine Tube (CollectA)

4.9 (12 votes)

CollectA has emerged as one of the most prolific producers of dinosaur figures, with a few other Mesozoic reptiles and some mammals here and there for variety. They’ve developed a reputation for giving some obscure species the plastic treatment, but in general those species have been fairly close relatives of the old standards.

Review: Prehistoric sharks (Toob by Safari Ltd)

4.6 (14 votes)
The Dinosaur Toy Blog has been quiet in recent weeks. As for me, I’ve been distracted by my involvement in the new Animal Toy Forum, which was launched recently as a partner site to the dinotoyblog and forum. However, I’ve neglected the blog for too long and so it’s time for me to turn my attention back to prehistoric animal reviews.

Review: Pteranodon (Playmobil)

3.6 (8 votes)
From his perch atop the tree, a Pteranodon sights a fish swimming in a pond. Quickly he spreads his wings, swoops down, and snatches it in his bill!

It’s virtually unthinkable for a dinosaur toyline not to have at least one pterosaur and Playmobil has gone with that most familiar of flyers, Pteranodon.

Review: Remigolepis (Paleozoo)

4.2 (5 votes)

At first glance, the Late Devonian Gogo Reef might have looked roughly similar to a modern reef: colorful, lively, with piles of calcified stationary organisms hosting all sorts of swimming and crawling creatures. But look a little closer, and the reef isn’t made of scleractinian corals, but instead composed mostly of sponges, mats of algae, and rugose and tabulate corals.

Review: Tiktaalik (Paleozoo)

4.1 (7 votes)

It’s easy to think of evolution as a linear process, where one species in the fossil record gives rise to the next in an ever-improving, ever-ascending ladder. But the reality is messier. It’s more like a bush with lots of dead-end branches–any one specimen is unlikely to be our direct ancestor, but many of the transitional forms we find in the fossil record would have been, at least, pretty close relatives of our direct ancestors.

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