Classification: Theropod
Review: Spinosaurus Swimming ( CollectA )
Review: Stenonychosaurus / Troodon (Invicta)
This Invicta Stenonychosaurus/ Troodon is already 21 years old and still one of the best coelurosaur reconstructions that have ever been made.
I really like this very credible sculpture for it has many details which are not obvious at first sight.
Review: Struthiomimus (CollectA)
Review: Struthiomimus (Marx)
Review and Photos by BlueKrono and DinoToyBlog.
Struthiomimus, the ‘ostrich mimic’, was named in 1917 for a species (S. altus) originally referred in 1903 to the closely related genus Ornithomimus. Despite the history of ornithomimosaurs spanning back to the late 1800s, they are relatively rarely made as toys.
Review: Struthiomimus (Thunder-Beasts by Sky Kids)
Growing up in the 90’s I had quite the collection of toy dinosaurs from a multitude of companies. Everything from UKRD, AAA, and Larami, to Carnegie, Tyco, Kenner, and Playskool. One brand I didn’t have represented was Thunder Beasts, so when I recently came across this ornithomimid that was stamped 1993 on the bottom, I was truly vexed as to its origin.
Review: Struthiomimus (Tyco)
Struthiomimus isn’t really the first dinosaur that comes to mind upon hearing the word “theropod”. It has no giant mouth full of killer teeth. It sports no set of shredding claws. Instead, this quirky animal bears a striking resemblance to the modern day ostrich complete with long slender legs, swan-like neck and a tiny head with big round eyes and no teeth.
Review: Suchomimus (Chap Mei)
Review: Suchomimus (Dinotales by Kaiyodo)
Review: Suchomimus (DinoWaurs Survival)
Review: Suchomimus (Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Captivz Build N’ Battle Dinos by ToyMonster)
Before we begin the review, I would like to thank the generous folks over at ToyMonster, for sending me this figure to share with the blog.
With the second season of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory having just dropped it seemed like a good time to share one of the show’s starring theropods, the Suchomimus.
Review: Suchomimus (Mini)(Schleich)
Ever since its discovery in 1997, Suchomimus has never had any difficulty shying away from the public eye, even appearing in the Warpath: Jurassic Park video game only 11 months after it was officially named in November 1998.