As any kid with a dinosaur book will tell you, Mamenchisaurus is best known for having an extraordinarily long neck, making up half of the animal’s overall length.
Age: Jurassic
Review: Medusa (Bullyland)
Today I want you to introduce you to one of those creatures everybody knows, but knows almost nothing about, a jellyfish. Jellyfish are a very very old group of animals, they date back to the famous Ediacarian, more than 600 mya.
Review: Megalosaurus (Edward) (Prehistoric Animal Models by PNSO)
Review: Megalosaurus (painted version by Invicta)
Review: Mesozoic Creatures (Tamiya)
Review: Metriacanthosaurus (Jurassic Park Hammond Collection by Mattel)
The release of genera such as Metriacanthosaurus, Concavenator, and Irritator in the Hammond Collection line was initially met with controversy. Some collectors were excited to see non-canonical dinosaurs join the prestigious Hammond Collection while others were dismayed, hoping the dinosaurs seen in the films would be given priority.
Review: Metriacanthosaurus (Prehistoric World by CollectA)
Review: Metriacanthosaurus (Roarivores)(Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Mattel)
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Review and photos by Emperor Dinobot, edited by Suspsy
The relatively obscure Metriacanthosaurus mysteriously popped up in Jurassic Park while Nedry was stealing dinosaur embryos from the cryogenic lab.
Review: Micro Tiere Collection (Bullyland)
Review: Micromachines dinosaurs (National Geographic Collection/ Micromachines)
Review: Mighty Dinosaurs (Creator by Lego)
Review: Mini Figures Collection (Battat)
The Battat line of 1:40 scale dinosaurs is so famous that it needs little introduction. Rightly so, as these figures are some of the best representation of dinosaurs in toy form. In fact, even after 20+ years, the line is still is considered one of the best.