Photos by Stemturtle, edited by Dinotoyblog
Ahhh, the Play Visions prehistoric amphibian set. Originally released in 1998, this rare set of miniature prehistoric wibbly-wobbly critters is one of the most sought after in the world of prehistoric figure collecting. The one (one!?) time it sold on Ebay I think it went for over $350!
Author: Cordylus
Cordylus is mostly interested in theropod dinosaur figures (although all dinosaur figures will do), along with shark figures. He likes to review well-known prehistoric animals as opposed to more obscure ones. He also likes to make dioramas with his figures; he even arranged the First Official DTF Diorama contest. Along with dioramas, he very much enjoys drawing several species of dinosaurs. His forum name came from the scientific name of one of his pet lizards, Java, who is a forest armadillo lizardĀ Cordylus Tropidosternum.
All reviews by this author
Review: Afrovenator (CollectA) (New for 2010)
2.8 (24 votes)
Afrovenator – that’s one most people haven’t (and won’t) heard of. It almost makes me surprised that CollectA did one (but I guess if any of the mainstream dinosaur companies were to do one, it would be them).
Afrovenator itself was a megalosaur (or allosaur or spinosaur, does anybody even know?) from mid-jurassic Africa, who was about thirty feet long, and was presumably a pretty nasty fellow.
Review: Prehistoric Sea Life Toob (Safari Ltd.)
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Jurassic Park 2009 toyline)
4.9 (69 votes)
For Jurassic Park fans, the news of a new toy line back in May of ’09 made many excited, and others indifferent. Hasbro was going to release another line of Jurassic Park toys that was only made out of repaints. Or so we all thought……
JP fans had come across a list of the toys in the line and their prices.
Review: Pachyrhinosaurus (Papo) (New for 2010)
Review: Velociraptor (Papo)
3.6 (20 votes)
Up for review is yet another Papo dinosaur – Velociraptor. This figure is largely praised in the dinosaur toy collecting community, as is the real Velociraptor itself!
Unfortunately, most aspects of this Velociraptor are wrong. The tail is too short and curved, the arms are awkwardly pronated, the tibias seem a little too long, and there’s no feathers – all very un-dromeosaurid like features.
Review: Stegosaurus (Papo)
3.7 (26 votes)
Stegosaurus has always been a staple dinosaur. It’s featured prominently in museums, the media, museum toylines, chinasaur bins, and it’s been heavily researched. Many renditions of this animal have been done in toy form (just about every dinosaur toy collection has one!) so we’ll look at the attempt by Papo for now.
Review: Acrocanthosaurus (Kaiyodo Dinotales Series 3)
Review: Tarbosaurus (Kaiyodo Dinotales Series 4)
Review: Mosasaurus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd)
Review: Liopleurodon (Invicta)
5 (23 votes)
Review by Cordylus, edited by Dinotoyblog, photos by Dinotoyblog
Ever since Walking with Dinosaurs came out a decade ago, Liopleurodon has been famous. However, this Liopleurodon figure by Invicta was made a good ten years before Walking with Dinosaurs, so, luckily for us collectors, it wasn’t ‘inspired’ by the WWD version like every other Liopleurodon on the market today (I’m looking at you, Procon and Safari Ltd…).
Ever since Walking with Dinosaurs came out a decade ago, Liopleurodon has been famous. However, this Liopleurodon figure by Invicta was made a good ten years before Walking with Dinosaurs, so, luckily for us collectors, it wasn’t ‘inspired’ by the WWD version like every other Liopleurodon on the market today (I’m looking at you, Procon and Safari Ltd…).