Author: Lanthanotus

All reviews by this author
Review: Belemnit (Bullyland)

Review: Majungasaurus (Vitae)
Review: Seven Little Dinosaurs (China Post by PNSO)

Within the unfortunately short time of its existence, Chinese company PNSO released two products in collaboration or commission for China Post. One is their glorious Mamenchisaurus, the other is a boxed set of “Seven Little Dinosaurs”. Unlike the “Six Little Dinosaurs” the seven do not depict juvenile dinosaurs but rather adult ones, though they are indeed not big figures.
Review: Dinosaurs (LEGO Duplo)

Review: Cycad Tree (Deluxe by CollectA)

While retired plant toy models (for example by Schleich) achieve high prices on ebay and one could therefore be excused to think that there’s some demand, most companies seem not to care a lot about those sort of models. Though, prehistoric plants have quite a history in toy production.
Review: Stegosaurus (Scout Series ‘Melon’ by REBOR)

Review: Quetzalcoatlus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

Remains of what we accept as Quetzalcoatlus were discovered 1971 in North American Big Bend National Park by Douglas A.
Review: Tyrannosaurus (Conquering the Earth by Schleich)

Review: Mononykus (MIXVS MINIMAX)
Review: Malawisaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

If you looked out for toy figures of obscure species, CollectA would have been the choice for most collectors. In recent years, however, other major companies joined in and started to release sculpts of prehistoric animals that were or still are not known to many people, Safari Ltd being one of them.
Review: Dinogorgon (Conquering the Earth by Schleich)

Permian synapsids are not a very popular group of animals and if a toy company does choose to create one, it is almost invariably a Dimetrodon. Few companies dare to make figures, let alone toys, of any other species from this ancient and fascinating group, despite the great variety contained within it.