Author: Laticauda

My name is Rob but I go by Laticauda (which is a genus of Elapid “Sea” snakes) on both the Dinosaur Toy Blog and Forum. My dinosaur collecting journey began when I discovered the Carnegie line as a kid. They amazed me and I didn’t look at them as toys but as art. By the time I headed off to college I no longer collected prehistoric toys as I had moved on to new collecting pursuits. This all changed the day when my first child was born as it rekindled my passion for the prehistoric world. Now I have two kids and I enjoy sharing the hobby with them.

All reviews by this author

Review: Allosaurus Roarivores(Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

3.3 (20 votes)

When ever I hear the theme from Jurassic Park it send chills down my spine and puts a smile on my face. That is the power of music combined with the nostalgic feelings that I have for the original Jurassic Park movie.  Ever since the original movie release, the franchises movies, music, and toys have had there ups and downs. 

Review: Hyaenodon gigas(Wild Safari Prehistoric World by, Safari Ltd)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: , , Type:

5 (10 votes)

For over 25 million years Hyaenodons hunted across Africa, Asia, North America and Europe.  They were formidable predators that had oversized jaws.  When hunting they would have probably ambush their prey with a quick rush, grab on to the head or neck with that impressive maw, and secure the kill.   

Review: Uintatherium (Wild Safari Prehistoric World, by Safari Ltd.)

Genus: , , Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

4.7 (17 votes)

Uintatherium was among the largest land animals in one of the stranger groups of large mammals that lived during the Eocene. Its flat and strongly built skull is quite the trophy as it is strange and bizarre.  The skull is adorned with six long paired knobs that protruded from its nose, forehead, and from the back of its head. 

Review: Steppe Mammoth (Eofauna)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

5 (27 votes)
The 2017 Steppe Mammoth “M. trogontherii” by Eofauna is an incredible and accurate toy.  It was sculpted by making 3d scans of real steppe mammoth skeletons.  It is in 1:40 scale and the scale is based on the largest specimen found.

So who and what was the steppe mammoth?   

Review: Parasaurolophus 2017 (Wild Safari, by Safari Ltd.)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

4.7 (18 votes)
Kids perspective by William, edited by Laticauda

First impressions can be entirely wrong .
When I first saw a picture of the 2017 Safari Ltd. Parasaurolophus, I didn’t think very highly of it.   In the stock photo from Safari’s website, I thought it looked rather plain and uninteresting. 

Review: Smilodon Roaring (Papo)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

2.4 (8 votes)

During the night, an old hulking Smilodon had spotted a baby mammoth that had wondered away from its mother.  It attacked the calf before mama saw what was happening.  The mother charged at the cat making it scatter, but the damage was done, the calf collapsed to the icy ground succumbing to its injuries. 

Review: Dinosaur Set with Cave (Schleich)

4.4 (14 votes)
Hidden by vines streaming down the rock face, there can be found multiple  fractures in the otherwise solid rock face.  One opening was wide, big, and served as entrance to the cave. There was also a small hole further up on the wall that could let in a dim beam of light during the mid afternoon sun.

Review: Pachycephalosaurus (Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.3 (10 votes)

During this seasonal, festive, frenzy of reviews, lets take a small time warp back in time and bring forth a toy that has been left behind by the relentless march of time. In 2009, Bullyland,  the purveyor of  goofy eyed yet expressive figures, released a interesting looking Pachycephalosaurus.

Review: Excalibosaurus (CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.7 (12 votes)

Excalibosaurus lived during the early Jurassic about 190 million years ago and at 22 feet (7 meters) long, it was a decent sized fellow.  Looking much like a modern sword fish, it was named after the sword Excalibur of Autherian legend.  This marine reptile is characterized by the extreme elongation of the rostrum, in which the lower jaw is a quarter shorter in length then the upper jaw.   

Review: Ophthalmosaurus (Age of the Dinosaurs by, PNSO)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.1 (8 votes)
Kids perspective by, William and Erin

By day the squid lurk in the deep waters were only the brave dive into the unknown. It is in these murky depths were they hide from the predators above. When the sun goes down and the moon arrives they come up from down below to the surface to feed. 

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