Author: Libraraptor

Hello, my name is Stefan Schröder, aka ‘Libraraptor’ and I am a faithful soul on both the Dinosaur Toy Blog and the Dinosaur Toy Forum since 2008, when I stumbled upon the forum looking for the Invicta blue whale in order to complete my collection.  I found friendly people there and open ears and eyes for my growing collection. Later I began reviewing toys and figures here on the blog - sometimes  in a clumsy English, I must admit. But I still enjoy reviewing as much as I did in 2009. I am so happy to still be a part of the big DTB / DTF family! I come from Germany, was born in 1977, I’m married and I have a daughter and a son. I am a full-time social worker, working at schools for children with special educational needs. My collection is sometimes said to be somewhat quirky, I collect and review what I like with no special goal or focus. I am mostly into vintage and monochrome figures and museum exclusives. Here’s a video (on the Dinotoyblog Youtube channel) showing my collection, it’s a little outdated, but still shows the main part of it.

All reviews by this author

Review: Brachiosaurus (Saurierpark Kleinwelka, Sachsen)

4.3 (4 votes)
No doubt: Invicta Brachiosaurus is a monument, an all-time classic, a monochrome statement, based on the first version of the mounted Brachiosaurus skeleton of the Natural History Museum of Berlin. No Giraffatitan discussion here. Up for review, however, is Kleinwelka Brachiosaurus, a figure from the former German Democratic Republic.

Review: Deinotherium (Bullyland)

4.4 (5 votes)
I guess it is time for a review of Bullyland Deinotherium.
It is a highly sought after figure, not yet a myth, but quite close. This is due to the relatively little number of Deinotheriums that have been produced and delivered.
Deinotherium (“terrible beast”) was a large prehistoric relative of modern-day elephants that appeared in the Middle Miocene and continued until the Early Pleistocene.

Review: Ankylosaurus (Larami)

1.4 (5 votes)

Most of the dinosaurs Larami released in the 1990s were more or less decent copies of Invicta originals, made of vinyl. Three animals did not base on Invicta originals: A Styracosaurus, a Parasaurolophus and the reviewed Ankylosaurus.

I probably don´t promise too much when I say this is one of the ugliest animals that have ever been reviewed here.

Review: Shonisaurus (Schleich)

4.5 (13 votes)

Shonisaurus was an upper Triassic Ichtyosaur from Northern Ameria that probably fit the ecological niche of today´s sperm whales. The fact that adult animals did not have teeth can as well lead to the conclusion that it could have been a plankton filtering animal. Shonisaurus sikanniensis with a length of some 23m is the largest marine reptile that has been described by now.

Amazon ad:

Review: Diatryma (Schleich)

3.3 (6 votes)

The Vintage Schleich Diatryma is a nice little figure to have! It is brightly coloured (although I know of monochrome ones being out there) and looks as if it is smiling at you. Looking at this figure, one can’t believe it was a more or less aggressive Eocene omnivore, lurking for prey in the Messel woods, not even avoiding small horses.

Review: Apatosaurus (“World Of Jura” by Goebel)

3 (5 votes)

Goebel is a well-known German company that produces porcelain dolls and figures for windowsills of old, boring housewives. In 1992 they (Goebel, not the housewives…) released respectively distributed four dinosaur figures. Apatosaurus´ comrades in this line were Styracosaurus, Triceratops and Stegosaurus.

Goebel green and bright green (there is not that much variety in the paintjob of both the base and the animal) “World Of Jura” Apatosaurus is a special figure in many ways.

Review: Entelodont (AAA)

4 (9 votes)
Admittedly, there were lovelier animals to have walked the earth in prehistoric times than entelodonts, omnivorous beasts that were two metres tall and four metres long. Entelodonts were especially abundant in what are now Mongolia, China and Northern America and strolled through the landscape searching for any kind of food in the Eocene epoch – mainly probably carrion.

Review: Spinophorosaurus by Bullyland (exclusively for the Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig)

2.3 (6 votes)
Spinophorosaurus nigerensis was a midsize sauropod that lived in what is now Nigeria in the middle Jurassic, about 170 million years ago. It resembled a small Brachiosaurid and belonged to a sister taxon of the Eusauropoda. It was 13 metres long. Its most famous attributes are the spines at the end of the tail.

Review: Hesperornis (Primeval by Character Options)

4.3 (8 votes)
Hesperornis is an extinct genus of flightless aquatic birds that lived during the late Cretaceous. Fossils have been found in Kansas and Canada. The first fossils had been dug out by Othniel C. Marsh himself during the famous “Bone Wars”. Hesperornis, a lesser-known discovery from that era, could reach 1,5m or even a little more in length.

Review: Mastodonsaurus (Bullyland)

4.6 (8 votes)

Mastodonsaurus (“breast tooth lizard”) was a Russian and European temnospondyl that belonged to a group of advanced, mostly Triassic amphibians called capitosaurids. It lived in swampy pools and fed mainly on fish, but probably did not avoid land living animals such as small early archosaurids. The giant head was a powerful tool for those feeding habits.

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