Brand: AAA

Review: Smilodon (AAA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.7 (7 votes)
Review and photographs by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
Smilodon. Whether it’s populator, fatalis, or gracilis, one thing is certain: this was a powerful felid, the epitome of ancient mammal predators. Originally from North America, then successfully emigrating to South America during the Great Faunal Interchange, there are few who haven’t heard of this mighty mammal, especially for its 28 cm sabre teeth.

Review: Styracosaurus (AAA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.4 (10 votes)
Review and photographs by Dilopho, edited by Suspsy
AAA is a company that had prominence when many of us were young, way back before we cared about detail or company or accuracy. Instead, just cared about actually having a dinosaur figure. And surprisingly, Styracosaurus was not a dinosaur often made into a figure back then–Monoclonius was a winner among the horned dinosaurs.

Review: Triceratops (AAA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3 (7 votes)
While most of the toys produced by AAA could be regarded as mid-way between quality museum models and cheaply produced “Chinasaurs” there are quite a few that tread into that cheap Chinasaur territory. AAA toys span several years and I don’t know when production first began but some of the toys certainly seem a good deal older than some of their later products.

Review: Utahraptor (AAA)

3.8 (26 votes)

Okay, let´s take a closer look at AAA Utahraptor today. After a long break, welcome to another Libraraptor review of a quirky figure!
By now, Utahraptor is a well known genus belonging to the group of Dromaeosaurs. Its size of seven meters in length makes it the biggest of the tribe.

Review: Woolly Mammoth (AAA)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.4 (9 votes)
Review and photographs by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
Mammuthus primigenius, the fabled woolly mammoth, is an iconic Ice Age animal well known around the world, a symbol of the amazing adaptability of mammals. This mighty beast is the first prehistoric mammal to be immortalized in plastic by toy companies.

Review: Woolly Mammoth (Large Version by AAA)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.6 (9 votes)

Review and photographs by Stolpergeist, edited by Suspsy

Woolly mammoths are among the most majestic mammalian megafauna of the past. Being such iconic prehistoric animals, plenty of toys have been made by various companies, from the fantastic and anatomically accurate figures by Favorite Co.

Review: Woolly rhinoceros (AAA)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

2.9 (11 votes)
Everyone familiar with Pleistocene fauna is familiar with the woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis), a large shaggy rhino that lived in Eurasia and died out at the end of the Ice Age. It is often reproduced in toy form, only less so that the more popular mammoths and Smilodon.
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