Rauisuchus is a genus of pseudosuchian that lived in the late Triassic of what is now Brazil. It is also the latest pseudosuchian and Triassic taxa offered from Mattel, who has miraculously produced more of these animals than any other toy company I can think of.
Classification: Crocodile
Review: Ridgeheaded Mekosuchine (Yowie)
Science counts around 25 species of recent crocodile species and all – maybe with the exception of the African Dwarf Crocodile – live an aquatic life and use the land mainly to bask and nest. In their long history the group we accept as “crocodiles” has seen quite a variety of crocodilian forms, not few of them terrestrial more than aquatic, a trait that showed off in their morphology.
Review: Sarcosuchus (2021)(Jurassic World: Massive Biters by Mattel)
Many of the most vibrantly coloured vertebrates living on the planet today are reptiles, particularly squamates such as the gold dust day gecko, the collared lizard, the rainbow boa, and the eastern coral snake. Certain testudines including the red-eared slider, the eastern box turtle, and the northern river terrapin also feature bold patterning and coloration.
Review: Sarcosuchus (CollectA)
One hundred and eleven million years ago in a vast river system in Africa, a dance between predator and prey, similar to what we see today was taking place.  Off the main river there is a narrow, deep, and murky tributary. Vegetation is thick along the bank except for a patch of muddy dirt that has been worn down by the feet of many thirsty travelers.Â
Review: Sarcosuchus (Jurassic World Massive Biters, by Mattel)
Although first described in 1966 the crocodyliforme Sarcosuchus didn’t really achieve popularity until the mid 90’s through early 00’s, with additional discoveries by Paul Sereno and publicity via National Geographic. Since then Sarcosuchus has gone on to become, perhaps, the most popular extinct crocodyliforme of them all.
Review: Sarcosuchus (Mojö Fun)
Review: Sarcosuchus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)
Crocodilians have always garnered a special interest to me, modern or extinct. From the powerful predators we know today, with up to one tonne bites, to the oddities of the past. This includes giants like this review’s subject, Sarcosuchus, one of the largest crocodilians ever known, known to feed on dinosaurs.
Review: Smok (Deluxe Prehistoric Collection by CollectA)
As a person of Polish decent with a love for Triassic fauna I was elated to see that CollectA was producing a figure of Smok wawelski, a Triassic archosaur found near Lisowice village in Poland. And hot on the heels of their excellent Lisowicia too, another Triassic animal from the same fossil site.
Review: Stegosaurus (Playmobil)
This version of the “roofed lizard” measures 23 cm long from nose to tail tip and stands just over 11 cm tall at the tip of its plates.
Review: Titanoboa cerrejonensis (Monty, premium edition, by Rebor)
“If you should wonder through the jungles of Colombia, watch out. If you see a quick object move through the brush, lose hope as you are in the realm of…….TITANOBOA!!!!!! See it’s 42 foot long body lunge from the water!!! Quake as it’s thick body constricts the life out of it’s prey!!!!