Type: Figurine

Review: Brachiosaurus (Dinotales Series 2 by Kaiyodo)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4.9 (9 votes)
Ah, Dinotales. You either love them, or you’re wrong. Although tiny, their finely-sculpted, pointy and brittle nature ensures that they are inherently unsuitable for use as toys; it also means that they combine the two desirable traits of being attractive and compact (particularly handy for the more fanatical collector who’s running out of space).

Review: Dimetrodon (2011 version, Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.6 (7 votes)
German company Bullyand seem to be slipping off the radar a little bit in recent years but still continue to provide new releases every twelve months for their Museum Line, although in rather small quantities. 2011 saw two new figures released by Bullyland, both resculpts of previously produced species.

Review: Lourinhanosaurus (CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

2.6 (11 votes)
Guest review by forumite Fooman666 – edited by Marc (Horridus)
Seeing as CollectA have taken many of us by surprise this year I think it’s fitting that I review one of their 2011 figures for my first review in quite a while. Today I will be looking at the CollectA Lourinhanosaurus, which in some aspects I believe is one of the best of the 2011 line up.

Review: Ankylosaurus (Larami)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

1.3 (7 votes)

Most of the dinosaurs Larami released in the 1990s were more or less decent copies of Invicta originals, made of vinyl. Three animals did not base on Invicta originals: A Styracosaurus, a Parasaurolophus and the reviewed Ankylosaurus.

I probably don´t promise too much when I say this is one of the ugliest animals that have ever been reviewed here.

Review: Andrewsarchus (Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

2.9 (12 votes)
Edited by Dinotoyblog
Andrewsarchus is interesting in terms of its discovery, its size, its habits and its look. It is a large basal mesonychid from the Eocene Epoch that is rarely depicted by toy lines. Safari and Bullyland are the only companies that released it as a commonly available toy figure.

Review: Acrocanthosaurus (Salvat)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: ,

1.9 (21 votes)
Review by Patrick Padilha
As you may know, it’s not easy to choose a figure to review when you have a small collection and most of the figures you do have were already inspected by one of the expert collectors of DTB. I was wondering which item of my collection I could review and I did spot the perfect figures for my reviews.

Review: Polacanthus (CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

2.4 (12 votes)
I’m really starting to dig this dinosaur review thing. I’ve always enjoyed writing and learning about, and doing anything that involved dinosaurs, so naturally I would have to give this a try and as you can tell I’ve gotten fond of it. Hopefully my reviews are meeting the standards of the blog, feel free to let me know.

Review: Edmontonia (Battat)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

4.8 (17 votes)
Review and Photos by forum member Pangolinmoth
From the Battat line of dinosaur figures, better known as the bane of our bank accounts and the envy of our peers, comes the charming Edmontonia rugosidens. Edmontonia was a nodosaur from the late cretaceous, and quite the tank at that.
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