Type: Figurine

Review: Liopleurodon (Painted) (British Museum of Natural History by Invicta)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:

4.2 (5 votes)

Whenever a line of toys gets a complete set of reviews on the Dinosaur Toy Blog, I consider it a milestone. This has happened many times over the years and in my opinion, it heightens the value of the blog and its usefulness as a resource.

Review: Spinosaurus (‘Cartoon Series’ by Wing Crown / Gosnell)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: ,
Wing Crown Spinosaurus

2.2 (5 votes)

Review and photos by Hubert, edited by DinoToyBlog

The next critter in our overview of Wing Crown’s 7 inch ‘Cartoon Series’ is, as I’m sure you can tell from the photos, Spinosaurus. Not Dimetrodon, or ArizonasaurusSpinosaurus.

Review: Triceratops (Ultimate Dinosaurs by Yowie Group)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3 (5 votes)

Although another Triceratops is probably the last thing any of us need in our collections (certainly mine) this one from Yowie Group is decent enough to deserve some time in the spotlight on the Dinosaur Toy Blog. It comes from Yowie Groups Ultimate Dinosaur series which is currently available in various shop across the United States.

Review: Giganotosaurus (Jurassic World Dino-Trackers, Captivz Build N’ Battle Dinos by ToyMonster)

Genus: Brand: , , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.8 (6 votes)

Before we begin the review, I would like to thank the generous folks over at ToyMonster, for sending me a large selection of Captivz figures to share with the blog.

Since I just wrote reviews for a Mapusaurus and Tyrannotitan I thought it would be fitting to review another carcharodontosaurid and look at the Captivz Giganotosaurus by ToyMonster.

Review: Tlatolophus (Haolonggood)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:

5 (5 votes)

For a decade now, I’ve been reviewing toys of prehistoric fauna from across the entire globe, including Canada, the United States, Patagonia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Romania, Russia, Morocco, Niger, Egypt, Tanzania, Madagascar, India, Mongolia, China, Japan, Australia, and Antarctica.

Review: Tyrannotitan (Mateo) (Prehistoric Animal Models by PNSO)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:

4.6 (31 votes)

Carcharodontosaurid-heads have had a lot to celebrate since PNSO hit the scene. The company has produced 6 members of the clade and most of them within the last couple of years. This has allowed fans of these mega theropods to amass a high-end collection of all the clade’s major players, and unlike other dinosaur groups, PNSO has given each an attractive and visually distinct paintjob.

Review: Stegosaurus (‘Cartoon Series’ by Wing Crown / Gosnell)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: ,
Wing Crown Stegosaurus

3.6 (10 votes)

Review and photos by Hubert, edited by DinoToyBlog

Continuing with our overview of the 7 inch Cartoon Series by Wing Crown, Stegosaurus is next in line. Like the others in the series, this is simplified in its ‘early tetrapod’, just-walked-out-from-the-water form, with no anatomical intricacies to be found beyond the obligatory plates and tail spikes.

Review: Parasaurolophus (‘Cartoon Series’ by Wing Crown / Gosnell)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: ,
Wing Crown Parasaurolophus

3 (15 votes)

Review and photos by Hubert, edited by DinoToyBlog

Having recently set the scene for Wing Crown’s Cartoon Series in our introductory review, let’s now take a brief look at another of the figures in the 7 inch dinosaurs set. Parasaurolophus is next on the list, now in some nice warm colors, reminiscent of a sunset sky.

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (‘pot-bellied’ version 1 by Marx)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: , , Scale:
tyrannosaurus pot bellied marx

4 (25 votes)

Review and photos by BlueKrono, edited by DinoToyBlog.

The dinosaurs created by the Marx Toy Company in the 1950s hold a unique title: the first mass-produced plastic dinosaur toys. All others follow in their thunderous footsteps. Previous to the Marx dinos companies like Sell Rite Gifts (SRG) and Mignot had produced dinosaurs in materials like bronze and lead, but these were more intended as mementos to sit on a shelf.

Review: Gastonia (Haolonggood)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type: Scale:

4.5 (36 votes)

Gastonia was discovered in the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah, USA. It lived during the Early Cretaceous period from 139 to 134.6 million years ago and is one of the very best known nodosaurids. Its name honours Robert Gaston, an American paleontologist and the CEO of Gaston Design, Inc., which makes and sells skeletal replicas of various dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.

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