Mattel’s previous large sauropods made sense. Brachiosaurus, Apatosaurus, and Dreadnoughtus all had significant screen time in the Jurassic franchise. And even though Mattel dutifully, and shockingly, made toys of them all, fans wanted more.
Age: Cretaceous
Review: Mandschurosaurus (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)
Review: Mantellisaurus – Drinking (CollectA)
In what would today be know as Europe, during the Early Cretaceous, vast floodplains dominate the landscape. Here, herds of dinosaurs can be seen going about their daily life. Near a waterhole, a mixed herd of dinosaurs has congregated to take advantage of the recent rainfalls that filled up the once dried up water source.
Review: Mapusaurus (CollectA)
From atop a hill, the view of the dry wind-swept plains below is obscured by what at first looks like a dust storm. Soon, it becomes clear that the dust that has engulfed the plain is not from a storm. Here, in what would be known today as Argentina, an epic battle between two of the largest animals that have ever walked the earth is about to reach its conclusion.
Review: Mapusaurus (CollectA)
Review: Mapusaurus (Deluxe by CollectA)
I have to admit to being a bit of a lapsed amateur paleontologist; I know the basics about a core group of the more well-known dinosaurs, so when CollectA released this one, I had to hit the reference books and online sources to find out what I was looking at.
Review: Mapusaurus (Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Epic Evolution Gigantic Trackers by Mattel)
Review: Mapusaurus (Prehistoric Animal Models by PNSO)
My sincere thanks to Happy Hen Toys for furnishing this review sample.
Several other companies have made Mapusaurus figures before, including Bandai, Playmates, and CollectA. So far, however, we’ve only reviewed CollectA’s four (!!!) versions on the blog. A brief re-introduction might be useful, then: Mapusaurus hails from the Huincul Formation (English approximation: “ween-COOL”) in Argentina, just like its recently described relative Meraxes and the famous Argentinosaurus.
Review: Masiakasaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)
Review: Medusa (Bullyland)
Today I want you to introduce you to one of those creatures everybody knows, but knows almost nothing about, a jellyfish. Jellyfish are a very very old group of animals, they date back to the famous Ediacarian, more than 600 mya.
Review: Medusaceratops (‘Fan’s Choice’ version, Beasts of the Mesozoic Ceratopsian Series by Creative Beast Studio)
This figure is technically a repaint of the original sculpt, but since it wasn’t reviewed here yet, I feel I might as well give some background on the production of it. For starters, Raul Ramos initially sculpted a 3D model of the skull (first revealed on July 6 2019), which was then printed and served as a base, for sculptor Simon Panek to use for the final flesh reconstruction of the figure (revealed July 8, 2019).