Normally when toy companies make juvenile dinosaurs, they just take known adult dinosaurs and make a smaller cuter version. Even respectable companies like Safari and CollectA have gone this route in the past. I typically don’t have any interest in these, but a fair number of taxa are known only from infant or juvenile remains.
Type: Figurine
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Miniature by Battat)
4.9 (20 votes)
Review and photos by Bokisaurus, edited by Suspsy
Today we are going to review a very special figure. Very few prehistoric figures are as famous and as highly sought-after as Battat’s. Rightly so, as they were beautiful and scientifically accurate models, with many new species introduced in addition to the old favorites.
Today we are going to review a very special figure. Very few prehistoric figures are as famous and as highly sought-after as Battat’s. Rightly so, as they were beautiful and scientifically accurate models, with many new species introduced in addition to the old favorites.
Review: Woolly Mammoth (Mojö Fun)
3.8 (6 votes)
Review and photos by PhilSauria, edited by Suspsy
Should you not mind having the odd mammal or two in your dinosaur collection, you’d probably go for a woolly mammoth and maybe a sabertooth for starters. This toy here is not an essential mammoth in that case; if you rated prehistoric figures in a celebrity style scale we are not talking A-lister here.
Should you not mind having the odd mammal or two in your dinosaur collection, you’d probably go for a woolly mammoth and maybe a sabertooth for starters. This toy here is not an essential mammoth in that case; if you rated prehistoric figures in a celebrity style scale we are not talking A-lister here.
Review: Stegosaurus (Kleinwelka)
3.7 (7 votes)
In 1978 Franz Gruß, a German sculptor situated in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), began to build life size reconstructions of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals in his private garden in Großwelka, Sachsen. The garden was open to the public and soon developed to a tourist attraction.
Review: Ouranosaurus (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)
4.2 (11 votes)
Review and photographs by Rajvinder “IrritatorRaji” Phull, edited by Suspsy
I, like many others, can thank Jurassic Park for fuelling my love of dinosaurs. However, I feel very few people can thank the video game Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis for kick-starting an adoration for Ouranosaurus.
I, like many others, can thank Jurassic Park for fuelling my love of dinosaurs. However, I feel very few people can thank the video game Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis for kick-starting an adoration for Ouranosaurus.
Review: Chuanjiesaurus (Kaiyodo)
Review: Uintatherium (Wild Safari Prehistoric World, by Safari Ltd.)
4.7 (17 votes)
Uintatherium was among the largest land animals in one of the stranger groups of large mammals that lived during the Eocene. Its flat and strongly built skull is quite the trophy as it is strange and bizarre. The skull is adorned with six long paired knobs that protruded from its nose, forehead, and from the back of its head.
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (2015)(Mojö Fun)
1.4 (17 votes)
Did Tyrannosaurus rex and its kin possess fleshy lips that concealed their savage teeth when their mouths were closed? A recent study of a new species of Daspletosaurus concluded that the answer was a negative, but as with virtually all paleontological papers, that conclusion is by no means set in stone.
Review: Belemnit (Bullyland)
4.4 (7 votes)
Roughly 300 million years a successful group of invertebrate animals roamed Earth’s seas in such numbers, that their fossil remains are used by geologists as index fossils, yet, the world of toy figures is lacking this group of animals almost completely. Several years ago the German company Bullyland remedied this lack and “released the kraken”,… well, more or less….… while the general appearance of a belemnite is reminescent of a modern cuttlefish and therefore its’ bigger relatives the octopuses aswell, the extinct group of Belemnoidea shows some remarkable differences from those recent animals.