A year or so ago, Geoworld was preparing to bring out their fourth series, split into a line of six marine reptiles and six ancient crocs/croc-like animal. Then, it all went silent, as the company almost went bust. It was bought out however, and the first half of this fourth expedition began to see sales online.
Brand: Geoworld
Review: Embolotherium (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

By now, we are all aware of the reputation of the Geoworld Jurassic hunters line: cheaply made figures, full of inaccuracies despite (false) claims of palaeontological approval and shameless plagiarism of palaeoartists. However, I wanted to investigate these figures personally, so I got a figure from each of the first three ‘expeditions’ and see what they were like.
Review: Euoplocephalus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)
Review: Hipparion (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

Ancient horses really don’t get much love in the toy market. Aside from Starlux and Bullyland, no one has added to the herd of prehistoric equinids. That is until Geoworld brought out their rendition of Hipparion, one of the most successful horses ever, lasting 22 million years and covering almost every continent, before dying off in the Mid-Pleistocene, possibly being out competed by the modern horse.
Review: Macrauchenia (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)
Review: Magnetic Jurassic Sea Creatures (Geoworld)

Most of us, if we’re familiar with Italian toy company Geoworld, are familiar with the extensive “Jurassic Hunters” line of dinosaur and Cenozoic mammal figures, or perhaps the “Jurassic Action” line of articulated figures. Many collectors have a low opinion of these figures due to their crude sculpts, uncredited accompanying artwork, or garish paint jobs.
Review: Megaloceros (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)
Review: Megatherium (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

Since it’s first discovery in 1788, Megatherium has garnered much attention, not just from scientists but by the general public, it’s large size and fearsome claws drawing in many. In spite of the discovery of larger creatures over the centuries, this gargantuan xenarthran still has it’s fair share of art and models dedicated to it.
Review: Metridiochoerus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

Out of all the prehistoric creatures that could have been made by modern toy companies, I assume a Metridiochoerus is not something you might expect. Metridiochoerus was basically a type of warthog that lived in Africa during the late Pleistocene, and it competed for the same niche as its modern cousin Phacochoerus, the common warthog.
Review: Ornitholestes (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

There is a line in the play “Arcadia” by Tom Stoppard that I feel encapsulates science, especially palaeontology, brilliantly: “The greatest moment in life is when you find everything you thought was true was wrong.” The number of changes in thoughts about prehistoric life certainly proves this, as with the species I am reviewing here, Ornitholestes.
Review: Ornithomimus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

Ornithomimids seem to be getting more and more popular in the realms of figures and collectibles. But of the great and diverse clade, it is surprising that Ornithomimus itself seems to be oddly absent, with few companies taking on the task of recreating this rather famous dinosaur.
Review: Parasaurolophus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

Of all the Hadrosaurs, Parasaurolophus is by far the most commonly produced in toy lines. It’s flashy headpiece is likely the main reason, as the rest of the body is somewhat lacklustre. Sizeable, but not the most interesting. The crest is where it’s at, with the function and skin attachments being a major source of debate.