This is my first review as an author rather than guest reviewer at this blog, so I’ll start out with a classic figure, the UKRD Iguanodon from 1992. Iguanodon of course has the distinction of being the second named dinosaur genus (after Megalosaurus), and has remained relatively famous for a non-American dinosaur, even being the protagonist of a film, Disney’s Dinosaur.
Type: Figurine
Review: Saichania (Haolonggood)
Review: Atopodentatus (Ultimate Dinosaurs by Yowie Group)
Review: Iguanodon (Ultimate Dinosaurs by Yowie Group)
Review: Parasaurolophus (Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Captivz Build N’ Battle Dinos by ToyMonster)
Review: Maiasaura (Haolonggood)
Review: Allosaurus (Haolonggood)
Review: Liopleurodon (Painted) (British Museum of Natural History by Invicta)
Review: Spinosaurus (‘Cartoon Series’ by Wing Crown / Gosnell)
Review: Triceratops (Ultimate Dinosaurs by Yowie Group)
Although another Triceratops is probably the last thing any of us need in our collections (certainly mine) this one from Yowie Group is decent enough to deserve some time in the spotlight on the Dinosaur Toy Blog. It comes from Yowie Groups Ultimate Dinosaur series which is currently available in various shop across the United States.
Review: Giganotosaurus (Jurassic World Dino-Trackers, Captivz Build N’ Battle Dinos by ToyMonster)
Before we begin the review, I would like to thank the generous folks over at ToyMonster, for sending me a large selection of Captivz figures to share with the blog.
Since I just wrote reviews for a Mapusaurus and Tyrannotitan I thought it would be fitting to review another carcharodontosaurid and look at the Captivz Giganotosaurus by ToyMonster.
Review: Tlatolophus (Haolonggood)
For a decade now, I’ve been reviewing toys of prehistoric fauna from across the entire globe, including Canada, the United States, Patagonia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Romania, Russia, Morocco, Niger, Egypt, Tanzania, Madagascar, India, Mongolia, China, Japan, Australia, and Antarctica.