Age: Cretaceous

Review: Tarbosaurus (Soft Model 2020 by Favorite Co. Ltd.)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.3 (12 votes)

Although the “Asian Tyrannosaurus” doesn’t enjoy the same fame as its close American relative, Tarbosaurus bataar has gained a little notoriety for itself in recent years; it’s one of few dinosaurs to receive the (dubious) honor of starring in at least one feature film of its own, and a few toy companies have also begun giving Tarbosaurus attention.

Review: Tenontosaurus (Antediluvia Collection)(David Krentz)

4.3 (6 votes)
The grand history of paleontology puts quite a bit of emphasis on Iguanodon. As a child, I could never understand why people failed to recognize this dinosaur, especially when all the books lavished it with so much attention. It was almost as though they weren’t reading the books at all.

Review: Tenontosaurus (Collecta/Procon)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.6 (15 votes)
Review and photos by Griffin
Tenontosaurus was an Iguanodontid ornithopod dinosaur that lived in the Western United States during the early Cretacious period. In life it would have co-existed with dinosaurs like Iguanodon, Dienonychus, Utahraptor and Acrocanthosaurus. Thanks to a Tenontosaurus skeleton discovered with Dienonychus chew marks on its bones in addition to Dienonychus skeletons nearby, the idea of pack-hunting Dromaeosaurs is now widely accepted.  Unfortunately this has also lead to the image of poor Tenontosaurus to ALWAYS be the prey item for Deinonychus.  (Seriously, google image search “Tenontosaurus”.  Like 80% of the images that pop up will be of it being attacked and/or eaten by the Deinonychus.)  Medullary bone tissue, which is used by modern birds for laying eggs, has also been found on the bones of Tenontosaurus fossils.

Review: Teratophoneus (Beasts of the Mesozoic by Creative Beast Studio)

4.4 (64 votes)

Today marks a milestone in the life of young Sealgair. For years, he observed his father and mother as they tracked, pursued, and killed one prey animal after another, never giving up until he and his siblings had filled their bellies with meat.

Review: Tethyshadros (Wild Past)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.9 (11 votes)

Insular dwarfism is an interesting evolutionary phenomenon where a population of animal that find themselves marooned, separated from main landmass, start evolving progressively into smaller forms or size than what is seen on their ancestors in the mainland to adapt to their newfound restricted reality.This adaptation ensures that these population of animals did not outstrip the limited available food and territory renounces.

Review: The Dinosaur Expo 2016 set (Kaiyodo)

4.9 (16 votes)
In the first half of 2016, the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo, Japan, held an event simply named ‘The Dinosaur Expo’ (still ongoing at the time of writing). Though I haven’t been myself, the exhibit seems to focus on recent dinosaur discoveries, with an accompanying set of figures.

Review: Therizinosaurus (2018 Repaint)(Conquering the Earth by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

2.7 (24 votes)

Review and photos by ‘Resurrection of the dinosaurs,’ edited by Suspsy.As I wrote a review about a repainted figure in my last review for the DTB, I figured I would finish reviewing repainted figures instead of skipping to other ones. So here I am with the Schleich ‘Conquering the Earth’ 2018 repainted Therizinosaurus.

Review: Therizinosaurus (Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4 (13 votes)
Therizinosaurs were among the strangest dinosaurs ever, and I really like them very much. They were late Cretaceous theropods, yet herbovires, and their overall appearance is so strange and deviates from standard dinosaur scheme pretty much. Huge bellies, a beak and feathers make Therizinosaurs look like gigantic turkeys.

Review: Therizinosaurus (CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4.3 (20 votes)
When it comes to dinosaurs, I believe there are essentially two attributes that attract us. They are either fearsome, or fancy. The fearsome ones are easy enough to spot, bearing a great deal of menace and lethality. Others may seem less terrifying, but fall into the “fancy” category.

Review: Therizinosaurus (Dinosaur King by Sega Toys)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

3.9 (11 votes)

Once again, I am looking into what can happen when a property becomes extremely popular: merchandising. Such is the case for the Dinosaur King franchise. After the success of the arcade game, a manga series and anime were commissioned and, as a result, a series of figure lines were made, from small 2” lines, arcade exclusives and an articulated line.

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