Classification: Bird

Review: Diatryma and Phorusrhacos (Starlux)

4.4 (8 votes)
Review and photos by Lanthanotus, edited by Suspsy
A few months ago I stumbled upon pictures of several dinosaur figures made by the French company Starlux while I was reading through the “Recent Acquisitions” thread in the DTF. I looked up this company and found that they had made a great array of dinosaurs as well as some very obscure and rarely depicted prehistoric animals.

Review: Dinosaur Advent Calendar 2020 (Schleich)

2.6 (11 votes)

Well, the holiday season is nearly upon us. No matter what this time means to you and what holiday you celebrate, it is a time to spread joy. This year certainly seems to need some, with everything that happened. It is now the time when many will choose a calendar to count down the days til the 25th.

Review: Discover Dinosaurs: Dino Jurassic Vol. 3 (Colorata)

3.7 (6 votes)
With Colorata’s new Paleozoic collection out in 2018, I think I’m overdue on this look at one of their earlier prehistoric sets: Volume 3 of their dinosaur series. Although this set has its share of flaws, Colorata’s 3rd dinosaur volume – and first focused on Jurassic fauna – still offers plenty for dino fans to appreciate.

Review: Dodo (Papo)

4.8 (14 votes)

The Dodo used to walk around,
And take the sun and air.
The sun yet warms his native ground –
The Dodo is not there!

The voice which used to squawk and squeak
Is now for ever dumb –
Yet may you see his bones and beak
All in the Mu-se-um.

Review: Dodo (Wings of the World, by Safari Ltd)

4.9 (15 votes)
Review by Brandon. Edited by Plesiosauria.
The demise of the dodo bird is probably the most famous extinction event in recent history. This ancient Columbiform bird was a flightless species endemic to the small island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Africa near Madagascar, and occupied the island since at least the Holocene era.
Amazon ad:

Review: Dodo and Coelurosauravus (Primeval by Character Options)

3.7 (9 votes)

When it comes to TV shows, a chance to make merchandise and thus more money is a major point. With the success of the Doctor Who figures based on the series, ITV’s own time travel based show, Primeval, attempted the same. It ran for the first two series, but no further.

Review: Dodo, pair (Noah’s Pals by Caboodle! Toys LLC)

4 (4 votes)

If something is “as dead as a Dodo”, it is very dead, gone forever, reflecting on the fate of said animal, the Dodo. From the island of Mauritius, these flightless pigeons roamed the land, eating fruit and shellfish and lacking fear. Then man came along and introduced new predators, ones that Dodo’s lacked, and soon they were gone from their native lands, never to return.

Review: Dromornis (Yowies Lost Kingdom)

4.7 (6 votes)

Travelling through the wonderful world of Oz (as the Aussies tend to call their country) one sure plans some things before starting. I deceided to cramp a few toy figures into a box to take on the chance to shoot some of them in their “natural environment” – at least kind of, Australia sure changed a fair bit since most of the represented animals went extinct.

Review: Eternal lost breeds, Extinct animal (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S)

5 (7 votes)

Despite the progress we have made as a species, there is one fact we cannot change: extinction is forever. As a result of our hubris, many spectacular species have been wiped from the face of the earth. Takara have created quite an exquisite set, showing a selection of the species that have been lost of the centuries, each with a stand stating scientific names and year of extinction.

Review: Flexiraptor/Pengana (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

4 (4 votes)

The Riversliegh formation in Queensland is a heritage site for good reason, it gives us a fascinating glimpse into the ancient past of Australia, full of magnificent marsupials and brilliant birds, plus a bunch of bats! The fossils show how Australia once was, full of rainforests and the animals inhabiting the area are amazing.

Review: Gastornis (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.6 (14 votes)
Perhaps surprisingly for an animal that was a staple of popular books on prehistoric life for decades (and made an appearance in Walking With Beasts), models of Gastornis are a little thin on the ground. Happily, Safari have stepped forward with this very decent effort – the first toy “Diatryma” in years.

Review: Giant Moa (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

3.7 (6 votes)

The largest bird today is the Ostrich, and this is owing to it’s flightlessness. The recent past, however, provided greater flightless giants. One such came from New Zealand, in the form of the South island Giant Moa, Diornis robustus, with females able to reach up to 11ft 10″ if they stretched up, being 6ft 6″ on a horizontal plane.

Review: Giant Moa (Signatu Studio)

4.8 (5 votes)

Back in 2015, after finishing my Palaeontology degree and wanting to keep a grip on news in that field, I discovered a toy site that seemed quite interesting. Several months later, I bit the bullet and posted my first review. The rest is history, and now I have reached a major milestone, my 100th review!

Review: Giant Penguin/ Anthropornis (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

4.3 (4 votes)

Since their discovery in the Antarctic and other parts of the southern hemisphere, penguins are seen as rather adorable creatures. In the past, there were many large examples of this family, with even a subfamily featuring these giant examples. Here, we see a figure of one such species, Anthropornis.

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