Classification: Mammal

Review: Baluchitherium AKA Paraceratherium (Starlux)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: ,

3.4 (10 votes)
Review and photographs by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
It is amazing to think of the giants that once walked our own Earth. Not just the dinosaurs, but also their successors, the mammals. One such mammal has sparked my interest in palaeontology more than others: Paraceratherium.

Review: Basilosaurus ( CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4 (27 votes)
Review and photos by Bokisaurus

Happy New Year everyone! this will be my first review for 2019!

Back in the late Eocene, the world’s oceans were a much warmer, shallower than they are today. If you took a stroll along the beach back then, you may think that you have stepped into some hidden tropical paradise somewhere in the tropical pacific.

Review: Basilosaurus (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4 (34 votes)
Review and photos by Bokisaurus, edited by Suspsy
Many millions of years ago, the vast Tethys Sea covered what would one day be the deserts of the Middle East and other large parts of the world. The demise of the mighty aquatic marine reptiles, along with the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous opened up these vast oceans for a new cast of characters to take center stage and dominate.

Review: Basilosaurus (Recur)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4.3 (32 votes)

When anatomist Richard Harlan was presented with the fossil remains of a huge marine creature in 1834, he thought it must have been a reptile like Plesiosaurus or Mosasaurus, and therefore bestowed upon it the name Basilosaurus, “king lizard.” But when Sir Richard Owen later examined the teeth, he noted their double-rooted nature, which is a signature of mammals.

Review: Brontotherium (=Megacerops) (Mojö Fun)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.3 (7 votes)
Review and photos by Megalosaurus, edited by Plesiossuria.
In 2012, CollectA released a pretty nice non-conventional toy model of a Megacerops (=‘Brontotherium’). This was good news for prehistoric mammal collectors. But in 2013, Mojö surprised us with the release of four prehistoric mammals.

Review: Cave Bear (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

Genus: , Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

3.7 (7 votes)
Review and photos by Nathan ‘Takama’ Morris, edited by amargasaurus cazaui and Suspsy
Last year, Geoworld released their new range of ancient mammals which consist of species that were never once replicated for the prehistoric toy market, This is probably because a lot of these are basically large versions of modern day mammals, and even though they were genetically different, the general public rarely sees them as such.

Review: Cave Bear (Papo)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.7 (14 votes)
Review and photos by PhilSauria, edited by Suspsy
Back in the day, most producers of prehistoric fauna in plastic would have included a couple of mammals among their dinosaurs, the usual suspects being the mammoth and the sabretooth. Good to see that has changed over the years, with all manner of ancient mammals getting a look in, but there’s still not a lot of attention given to the cave bear.

Review: Cave Bear (Playmobil)

Genus: , Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: ,

4 (9 votes)
Two brave hunters are stalking one of the mightiest of beasts: the cave bear. They are armed with their best stone weapons, but will those be enough against the bear’s great strength, teeth, and claws?

The Playmobil cave bear(Ursus spelaeus) measures about 10.5 cm long and is medium brown in colour with black eyes, a red tongue, and white teeth.

Review: Cave Bear (Prehistoire by Starlux)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type: ,

4.1 (14 votes)

Review and photographs by Stolpergeist, edited by Suspsy

A lot of people feel a special connection to their local extinct Pleistocene megafauna, those mysterious beasts that once roamed where we stand along with the animals we see today. The majestic Irish elk among fallow deer, the American cheetah hunting pronghorns, the mighty giant wombat grazing alongside kangaroos, or the mega lemurs fending off fossa.

Review: Ceratogaulus (MPC)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: , Type: , ,

3.9 (24 votes)

A truly rare genus in the hobby to this day, MPC’s vintage figurine marks a bold move from a company most famous for its imitations – although the toy is perhaps showing its age with some design choices.

MPC (Multiple Products Corporation) is a well-known brand among experienced dinosaur collectors; their prehistoric line from 1961 and 1962 was widely sold through stores and catalogs for decades.

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