All Yangchuanosaurus Reviews
Review: Jurassic World Dominion Minis part 2 (Jurassic World by Mattel)
Well, I’ve shown you the worst of this line, let’s waste no time and get straight on to the best of them!
Starting off the top half is everyone’s favourite three horned herbivore Triceratops. This features one of the best poses of the lot (something I haven’t talked at length about as most the figures are in a generic standing pose), an aggressive fight pose, all the better when you have two to joust with.
Review: Seven Little Dinosaurs (China Post by PNSO)
Within the unfortunately short time of its existence, Chinese company PNSO released two products in collaboration or commission for China Post. One is their glorious Mamenchisaurus, the other is a boxed set of “Seven Little Dinosaurs”. Unlike the “Six Little Dinosaurs” the seven do not depict juvenile dinosaurs but rather adult ones, though they are indeed not big figures.
Review: Yangchuanosaurus (Dapeng) (Prehistoric Animal Models by PNSO)
Review: Yangchuanosaurus (Dinosaur King by Sega)
When companies add dinosaurs to a franchise, be it a game, show or book, they often want to make them as bright and eye catching as possible so that people will buy the merchandise. This often ignores any colouring that may be what they actually looked like, as it would be too subdued.
Review: Yangchuanosaurus (Dinosaurs of China by Safari Ltd)
Review: Yangchuanosaurus (Jurassic World: Dominion, Massive Action by Mattel)
Yangchuanosaurus is a genus of metriacanthosaurid that lived during the middle and late Jurassic in China. In appearance it would have looked very much like Allosaurus. Yangchaunosaurus shows up in the collectable market periodically and several figures represent the species, including the Safari Dinosaurs of China figure and a recent model by PNSO.
Review: Yangchuanosaurus and Chungkingosaurus Diorama (PNSO Scientific Art Models)
Review and photos by Bokisaurus
An air of nervousness engulfs the once serine scene at the forest edge. Herds of herbivores that just minutes ago were busy playing, eating, and calling to each other now stood silently still, on high alert. Their sudden change in behavior is warranted.