Author: Libraraptor

Hello, my name is Stefan Schröder, aka ‘Libraraptor’ and I am a faithful soul on both the Dinosaur Toy Blog and the Dinosaur Toy Forum since 2008, when I stumbled upon the forum looking for the Invicta blue whale in order to complete my collection.  I found friendly people there and open ears and eyes for my growing collection. Later I began reviewing toys and figures here on the blog - sometimes  in a clumsy English, I must admit. But I still enjoy reviewing as much as I did in 2009. I am so happy to still be a part of the big DTB / DTF family! I come from Germany, was born in 1977, I’m married and I have a daughter and a son. I am a full-time social worker, working at schools for children with special educational needs. My collection is sometimes said to be somewhat quirky, I collect and review what I like with no special goal or focus. I am mostly into vintage and monochrome figures and museum exclusives. Here’s a video (on the Dinotoyblog Youtube channel) showing my collection, it’s a little outdated, but still shows the main part of it.

All reviews by this author

Review: Plesiosaurus (3D Puzzle by Fame Master)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: ,

4 (6 votes)

Hi folks! I´m happy to submit a brand new review, my first one for nearly a year. It is about the Plesiosaurus 3D puzzle, produced by Fame Master, which is being distributed by a company named Spiegelburg/Coppenrath in Germany.

It’s a nice figure, very easy to fit and makes a nice contribution to every collector’s shelf or cabinet.

Review: Corythosaurus (Bernd Wolter Design)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4.4 (8 votes)
I do not know the exact history of this lovely lifesize Corythosaurus baby, the very proud of my collection. I bought it at a flea market in Münster four or so years ago. I had recognized it as at least related to the models of the Dinosaurierpark in Münchehagen, but I was more than just a little irritated to find such an item on a flea market.

Review: Tyrannosaurus (Larami)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: ,

2.1 (10 votes)
Larami released eleven ugly prehistoric animal vinyl figures in the 1990, most of which were bad copies of the good old Invicta classics. The own designs, Parasaurolophus, Styracosaurus and Ankylosaurus, were simply horrible and cannot really be recognized as a dinosaur in the case of the Ankylosaurus.

Review: Ornithomimid (unknown company)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.3 (7 votes)
This little fellow is a good example of my preference of somewhat unusual dinosaur figures. It is a little ornithomimid and neither do I know the company nor its exact species description.
It represents a very old way of posing dinosaurs, kangaroo-style with a broken tail and hands that remind me at the paw of a rabbit when it is standing on its hind legs.

Review: Therizinosaurus (Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4 (13 votes)
Therizinosaurs were among the strangest dinosaurs ever, and I really like them very much. They were late Cretaceous theropods, yet herbovires, and their overall appearance is so strange and deviates from standard dinosaur scheme pretty much. Huge bellies, a beak and feathers make Therizinosaurs look like gigantic turkeys.

Review: Velociraptor (World of History by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.3 (15 votes)
The last two reviews dealt with a Jurassic Park – inspired dinosaur and a new Schleich release. So here is your perfect synthesis, a review of Schleich´s new Velociraptor. It is way better than their last Velociraptor, but this was not difficult to achieve, to be honest.

Review: Brachiosaurus (Saurierpark Kleinwelka, Sachsen)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: ,

4.3 (4 votes)
No doubt: Invicta Brachiosaurus is a monument, an all-time classic, a monochrome statement, based on the first version of the mounted Brachiosaurus skeleton of the Natural History Museum of Berlin. No Giraffatitan discussion here. Up for review, however, is Kleinwelka Brachiosaurus, a figure from the former German Democratic Republic.

Review: Deinotherium (Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: , , Type:

4.4 (5 votes)
I guess it is time for a review of Bullyland Deinotherium.
It is a highly sought after figure, not yet a myth, but quite close. This is due to the relatively little number of Deinotheriums that have been produced and delivered.
Deinotherium (“terrible beast”) was a large prehistoric relative of modern-day elephants that appeared in the Middle Miocene and continued until the Early Pleistocene.

Review: Ankylosaurus (Larami)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

1.3 (7 votes)

Most of the dinosaurs Larami released in the 1990s were more or less decent copies of Invicta originals, made of vinyl. Three animals did not base on Invicta originals: A Styracosaurus, a Parasaurolophus and the reviewed Ankylosaurus.

I probably don´t promise too much when I say this is one of the ugliest animals that have ever been reviewed here.

Review: Andrewsarchus (Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

2.9 (12 votes)
Edited by Dinotoyblog
Andrewsarchus is interesting in terms of its discovery, its size, its habits and its look. It is a large basal mesonychid from the Eocene Epoch that is rarely depicted by toy lines. Safari and Bullyland are the only companies that released it as a commonly available toy figure.
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