Classification: Ankylosaur

Review: Edmontonia (Replica-Saurus by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

4 (15 votes)
The burly, heavily armored, herbivorous nodosaur Edmontonia inhabited North America during the Late Cretaceous period some 70 million years ago. The name simply means “from Edmonton”, as the type specimen was discovered in the Horseshoe Canyon Formation near the city of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada by George Paterson in 1924.

Review: Edmontonia (Tyco)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

4.3 (7 votes)
Edmontonia is a popular genus of nodosaurid that has been produced by toy companies many times over the years. CollectA, Schleich, and Battat have all taken a crack at the beast with fairly good results. Edmontonia is a very well-known genus with articulated specimens first discovered in 1915!

Review: Euoplocephalus (AAA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

3.9 (7 votes)
Review and photographs by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
Ankylosaurs are often a popular group for toy companies to make. Like armoured tanks on legs, complete with a powerful club on the tail, these are very eye-catching and attractive to young children. As was the case with today’s review subject: Euoplocephalus by AAA, a toy company that was readily available when I was five years old or so.

Review: Euoplocephalus (AAA/Early Learning Centre)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:
euoplocephalus aaa elc

3.7 (19 votes)

This small outdated ankylosaur model was sold by the Early Learning Centre in the UK in the 1990s. It doesn’t have any brand markings, but I’m reasonably confident it’s an AAA model based on the style and knowing the strong relationship the Early Learning Centre had with AAA.

Review: Euoplocephalus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd.)

4.2 (14 votes)
One of the earliest Carnegie figures made (it’s stamped ‘© 1988’), this Euoplocephalus is also the line’s very first ankylosaur figure. Remarkably, this review will also be this blog’s first to feature a toy that’s actually labelled Euoplocephalus, rather than simply de facto representing the genus (like the Favorite “Ankylosaurus” and original Schleich “Saichania“).

Review: Euoplocephalus (DinoWaurs Survival)

3.7 (11 votes)
Photographs and review by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
Once again I am back to reviewing another of the DinoWaurs line, seeing what is worth hunting for and what is not. With ankylosaurs being described as the tanks of the Mesozoic, it’s unsurprising that a couple would be included in this line.

Review: Euoplocephalus (Galileo Hernandez)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

5 (6 votes)
Alright, it’s confession time. I really have a thing for ankylosaurs. Or at least, toys and models of them. Generally speaking, I’ve never really been a big fan of the group, not that I had anything against them, I think they’re an underrated group of dinosaurs overall.

Review: Euoplocephalus (Haolonggood)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type: Scale:

4.4 (36 votes)

In 1971, Water Coombs published a paper titled The Ankylosauridae. In it, he argued that there was only one species of ankylosaurid living during the Campanian age of Late Cretaceous North America and synonymized Anodontosaurus, Dyoplosaurus, and Scolosaurus with Euoplocephalus.

Review: Euoplocephalus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

2.3 (7 votes)
Review and photos by Takama, edited by Suspsy
Up today is the first ankylosaur that Geoworld ever released for their line. Euoplocephalus was once the go-to ankylosaur for toy companies in the 90s’ due to the fact that it was a better known species then its family’s namesake.

Review: Euoplocephalus (Starlux)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type: ,

3.1 (13 votes)

The air was hot and humid as the midday sun radiated down from a clear blue sky. An old Euoplocephalus was feeling the heat on her back from the glaring sun. While she was drinking at the edge of a small, shallow creek, she was surrounded by a group Edmontosaurus.

Review: Euoplocephalus (Terra Series by Battat)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , , Age: Type:

4.7 (21 votes)
Euoplocephalus is one of the largest and best-known ankylosaurids, with several nearly complete fossil specimens. Indeed, many popular depictions of Ankylosaurus in books, movies, and yes, toy lines, are actually based on Euoplocephalus.

Feast your eyes on the reissued Battat Terra series Euoplocephalus.

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